Hi Niranjan,
Password we have used while creating the certificate, that is not accepting. this is the problem.
We have the certificate in .p12 format and in that all are integrated. generally if you imported from .p12 everything should work.
This is where i am struck and still facing the same issues.
Regards, Varad
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Rob Crittenden rcritten@redhat.com wrote:
s.varadha rajan wrote:
We are planning to configure ssl enabled Fedora directory server.we have a proper signed certificate.while importing, it is asking "Enter the password to access the Token" ? like that. even though we have given the exact password, while creating the certificate but it is not working. I referred wiki fedora doc also but getting this error. How to use existing certificate and enable secure ldap server.
I have already posted the same question but nobody is reply
Regards, Varad
Did you import the cert's private key too?