Nathan Kinder wrote:
On 09/22/2010 10:45 AM, Gerrard Geldenhuis wrote:


This is probably OT but I am not having much luck with google. How can I create SSHA512 strings? I have been using either a php script or slappasswd to create SSHA password but not sure how to do SSHA512. openssl can create the SHA512 digest but I am not sure how to add the random seed bit. My question probably illuminate my lack of understanding of the subject.

Why are you pre-hashing passwords?  You can set the password storage scheme to SSHA512 in 389 and provide a cleartext userPassword value to the server and it will hash it for you.

Actually, as a side note I would like to know how the format of {SSHA} and friends compare to the conventional unix $1$seed$hash for MD5, $2$seed$hash etc and so forth.  Notably, is it possible to convert a $1$xxxx into a {MD5...} or similar hash.  Where is the Seed in SSHA?  Is it a fixed length?
