
I have two doubts to be clarified regarding fds ldbm database.

1. Can anyone to help me how to find the total usage of a ldbm backend.

 * dbsize.c - ldbm backend routine which returns the size (in bytes)
 * that the database occupies on disk.

#include "back-ldbm.h"

ldbm_db_size( Slapi_PBlock *pb )



what this function doing? i m not able to find any commands
which returns the size of database which occupies the disk space.

what command does that? How to make use of this function "ldbm_db_size"


 * rmdb.c - ldbm backend routine which deletes an entire database.
 * This routine is not exposed in the public SLAPI interface. It
 * is called by the replication subsystem when then changelog must
 * be erased.

#include "back-ldbm.h"

ldbm_back_rmdb( Slapi_PBlock *pb )


When this function will be called? How to exercise this “ldbm_back_rmdb”. How to remove the entire DB. I tried 

Ldapdelete and rm –rf <back-end directory>

But both of them didn’t access this function “ldbm_back_rmdb”. Can anyone give me a pointer.

Thanks in advance,
Neuron Ring