Since I figured I was pretty well screwed anyway, I deleted /etc/dirsrv/slapd-unix-services2 and re-ran To my amazement, it was able to complete successfully! It went all the way through, create an adm.conf and other files, etc. I was able to log in to the web admin screen.
So, I ran /usr/lib/dirsrv/slapd-unix-services2/bak2db to restore the database I'd copied over. That looked very promising, but there were two points where it said it was deleting an attribute of unix-services2 and then adding one for unix-services, which is the other, live machine. After that, clicking on Fedora Administration Express gave me an error. I just went back to copy-and-paste it, but now I get an Internal Server Error, and /var/log/httpd is empty.
Since I seemed to make some progress, I stopped dirsrv, deleted /etc/dirsrv/slapd-unix-services2 and re-ran When it was done, I could get in to the admin interface again, only now it shows me slapd-unix-services and slapd-unix-services2 So, I'm not sure if that's progress or not.
I want to wind up with a working backup of slapd-unix-services so if that machine takes a crap, I can just bring up an interface with it's IP address on slapd-unix-services2 and keep LDAP authentication working while I puzzle out what went wrong on the first server.