On Sat, 2018-02-17 at 01:49 +0000, Fong, Trevor wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I’ve set up a new 389 DS cluster (389-Directory/ B2018.016.1710) and have set up a replication agreement from our old cluster (389-Directory/ B2014.300.2010) to a master node in the new cluster. Problem is that updates in the old cluster take up to 15 mins to make it into the new cluster. We need it to be near instantaneous, like it normally is. Any ideas what I can check?
I am assuming you don't have a replication schedule enabled?
In LDAP replication is always "eventual". So a delay isn't harmful.
But there are many things that can influence this. Ludwig is the expert, and I expect he'll comment here.
Only one master may be "replicating" to a server at a time. So if your 1.3 server is replicating with other servers, then your 1.2 server may have to "wait it's turn".
There is a replication 'backoff' timer, that sets how long it tries and scales these attempts too. I'm not sure if 1.2 has this or not though.
Another reason could be there are no changes to be replicated, replication only runs when there is something to do. So your 1.2 server may have no changes, or it could be eliminating the changes with fractional replication.
Finally, it's very noisy but you could consider enabling replication logging to check what's happening.
I hope that helps,
Thanks a lot, Trev
Trevor Fong Senior Programmer Analyst Information Technology | Engage. Envision. Enable. The University of British Columbia trevor.fong@ubc.ca | 1-604-827-5247 | it.ubc.ca
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