Chris and all,
I too struggled for the same problem for almost 4 months. I googled several times to find any solution.
At last I discovered a link
. I must say thanks to this gentleman who did a splendid job to pinpoint the error.
getting hint from this link what I did is:
1. disabled SELinux
2. created a user (and default group) fedora-ds
3. installed fedora-ds using yum.
4. changed the ownership of /var/run/dirsrv to fedora-ds
# chwon -R fedora-ds:fedora-ds /var/run/dirsrv
5. started installation with setup-ds-admin.pl.
6. entered fedora-ds as user and group name when prompted by the installer..
7. Hurray!!! my installation was successfull.
I had repeated this procedure several times on vmware virtual machines runing fedora9 and fedora8.
May I bring this issue to the notice of development team that the file permission of /var/run/dirsrv is an issue to be looked into.
The authentic reason for this can be fond in Mr 's work. at http://blog.adslweb.net/serendipity/article/244/Fedora-directory-server
I'm using RHEL5.2 (i386) and installing RPMs from the FDS repository that's mentioned on the FDS wiki. But I'm having trouble configuring FDS 1.1.3 due to errors that I believe are related to permissions on /var/run/dirsrv.
Before installing DS, here are the permission on /var/run/dirsrv:
[root@falls ~]# ls -ald /var/run/dirsrv
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 14 09:24 /var/run/dirsrv
When finishing the end of setup-ds-admin.pl, I see these messages:
Are you ready to set up your servers? [yes]:
Creating directory server . . .
Server failed to start !!! Please check errors log for problems
Possible timeout starting server: timeout=1226673415 now=1226673416
Could not start the directory server using command '/usr/lib/dirsrv/slapd-falls/start-slapd'. The last line from the error log was '[14/Nov/2008:09:26:55 -0500] - Fedora-Directory/1.1.3 B2008.269.157 starting up
'. Error: Unknown error 256
Error: Could not create directory server instance 'falls'.
Exiting . . .
Log file is '/tmp/setupblsNWZ.log'
There is nothing else of relevance in either /tmp/setupblsNWZ.log or /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-falls/errors
If I try and start the directory server after the installation failed, I get this error:
[root@falls ~]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv start
Starting dirsrv:
falls... [FAILED]
*** Warning: 1 instance(s) failed to start
If I manually chmod & chown the /var/run/dirsrv directory, it will start:
[root@falls ~]# chmod 770 /var/run/dirsrv && chown nobody:nobody /var/run/dirsrv
[root@falls ~]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv start
Starting dirsrv:
falls... [ OK ]
However, because the setup-ds-admin.pl process never completed, the admin server hasn't been configured (and I don't want to have to do that by hand). Note that I am using nobody:nobody in the FDS installer when asked who I want to run the services as.
When I manually ( chmod 770 /var/run/dirsrv && chown nobody:nobody /var/run/dirsrv ) *before* I run setup-ds-admin.pl I get this error:
[08/11/14:09:00:33] - [Setup] Info Are you ready to set up your servers?
[08/11/14:09:00:34] - [Setup] Info yes
[08/11/14:09:00:34] - [Setup] Info Creating directory server . . .
[08/11/14:09:00:36] - [Setup] Info Your new DS instance 'ldap' was successfully created.
[08/11/14:09:00:36] - [Setup] Info Creating the configuration directory server . . .
[08/11/14:09:00:36] - [Setup] Fatal The suffix 'o=NetscapeRoot' already exists. Config entry DN 'cn="o=NetscapeRoot",cn=mapping tree,cn=config'.
[08/11/14:09:00:36] - [Setup] Fatal Failed to create the configuration directory server
[08/11/14:09:00:36] - [Setup] Fatal Exiting . . .
Any thoughts? This is getting pretty frustrating :-\
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