Hello Rich,

Thanks for your reply!

389-users-bounces@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote on 11.01.2010 16:58:05:
> Someone else on the list has built packages for OpenSuse - search the
> list archives for opensuse.
I searched the archives for 2009 but couldn't find anything. If they are

older than I believe they are already outdated or am I wrong are they
constantly maintained? Searching the internet did not offer any 389ds rpms
for me.

> > Problem 1: Webpages
> > When I open the adminserver webpage (http://<myhost>:9830) and click on
> > "Fedora Administration Express" I get an (mostly) empty page justs
> > reading:
> > NMC_Status: 1
> > NMC_ErrType:
> > NMC_ErrInfo:
> > NMC_ErrDetail:
> > Does anybody know what this means and what might be broken here?
> Probably what happened is that due to the apache config problem you ran
> into above, setup-ds-admin.pl did not complete successfully, and so
> nothing is going to work properly.  Unless you can get to the point
> where setup-ds-admin.pl runs successfully with no errors, you will have
> lots of problems that will be hard to get rid of.
setup-ds-admin.pl runs without error here. I just tweaked the httpd.conf

for adminserver regarding the LoadModule directives, because they did not
match my apache 2.2.14. By the way what is the recommended apache to use
for admin-server? The documentation (http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Install_Guide)
says apache 2.x. Is here 2.0.x meant?

If I got some starting points for diagnoses I am surely able to solve
these problems on my own, but at present 389ds is a big package where I
do not know where to start with my investigations.

Thanks again for your help,
