On 07/07/2015 10:07 AM, Mark Boyce wrote:

Good Morning,


Has anyone else seen this behavior;  after configuring Winsync I add one or perhaps two “pairs” to the sync agreement (ds:AD)

Firstly - what version of 389-ds-base?  rpm -q 389-ds-base
What version of Windows/AD?  2012 R2?

I don't know what you mean by 'two "pairs"'.

and run a full sync successfully.  Upon subsequent attempt to add another pair the dirsrv abends (nothing in the logs)

What commands are you running?  How do you know the dirsrv abends?  That is, if there is nothing in the logs, what commands are you running to see the failure?

and the modify operation fails (either via CLI or GUI).  This is critical to our org as the AD structure doesn’t lend it’s self to a single “in-scope” OU…

Also not sure what you mean by "single in-scope OU".







Mark L. Boyce

Senior Identity Management Analyst

University of California, Office of the President

415 20th Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Office: 510.987.9681

Cell: 209.851.0196



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