This is a hot mess. conan's model is to store prebuilt artifacts on remote servers, and the new Cura build model is to pull dependencies from that. This includes any of its own dependencies that you build.

It's possible to ugly hack around a lot of this, but even with doing that, the result will be super super ugly because:

A) There is no cmake install logic anymore, because it expects you to make a conan package from your build and shove it into a conan repo.
B) There are no package specific cmake files anymore, because, why do you need them? Just get the prebuilt bits from their conan repo.

Oh, and this doesn't seem related to conan, though, maybe, but:

C) They no longer apply any soversion on the shared libs. I don't know if they've just abandoned any sort of API versioning entirely, which would really suck for us, or if they're just being lazy, or both?

I've spent a few hours banging myself bloody against conan and the conclusion I have come to is that whoever built this tool actively despises Linux distributions.

I think if we really want to keep Cura in Fedora packages, we will either need to work directly with upstream to come up with some other entirely local (not networked) build/install/dependencies model OR we maintain our own CMake only setup (which will not be fun to maintain, but is way cleaner than the hack job that is conan).

Anyway, I made a libsavatar 5.2.2 package as a proof of concept. Comments all over the spec file. I hope this helps you, Miro.



P.S. While I was poking this, I discovered that conan hardcodes a list of valid versions for EVERY COMPILER EVER. And of course, it didn't have gcc 13. I would send them a pull request to fix this, but I really don't want to help them in any way because their tool is bad and it should not be used by anyone. Maybe that's a bit harsh, but... *sigh* Anyway, I patched it into the conan package in Fedora rawhide. Best I can tell, nothing in Fedora BR's conan, and I can guess why, so this might not have been caught later until someone tried to use conan on F38.