Hi all:
In case anyone was wondering why the mailing list has been quiet for the
last few days, this e-mail will hopefully offer some explanation. Red
Hat will be scaling back its sponsorship of the Apache Deltacloud
project, effective immediately. In practice this means fewer Red Hat
engineers will be working full time on Deltacloud. Red Hat created the
Deltacloud project over 3 years ago and has provided *significant*
support with a number of full time developers (also implying such things
as travel and conference budget) through the Apache Software
Foundation's incubation process and after Deltacloud became a top level
Apache project.
In those 3 years Apache Deltacloud has attracted a large community
following, with contributions from many many people and organisations:
* The IBM Smart Business Cloud driver was contributed by IBM developer
Eric Woods - and another IBM engineer, Tong Li, contributed to the CIMI
API exposed by Deltacloud
* The Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform driver was provided and is
maintainted by Fujitsu engineer Dies Koper, who has also made
significant contributions to the CIMI API
* Daniel Molina (an engineer on the OpenNebula project) contributed and
maintains the OpenNebula driver for Deltacloud
* Luciano Castro (an Aruba engineer) contributed and maintains the
ArubaCloud driver - Luciano Castro
* Sang-min Park, an engineer with Eucalyptus, contributed the Eucalyptus
* Ivan Meredith, a Rimuhosting engineer, contributed the Rimuhosting driver
* Countless contributions, bug fixes, feature requests, documentation
contributed by many many individuals to whom I apologise for not being
able to name exhaustively in the list above
Q: But Why?
A: Red Hat remains firmly committed to open source cloud technologies
and will continue to participate and invest in a variety of projects,
including Red Hat OpenStack, its community offering RDO and various
other associated and related projects. At this time Red Hat has decided
that Deltacloud has reached maturity and can rely on its own community
as an independent Apache project. Red Hat's other open source cloud
technology commitments mean that the engineering and QE teams previously
dedicated to the Deltacloud project will be re-assigned to those efforts.
Q: Is Red Hat going to "kill Deltacloud".
A: Red Hat cannot "kill Deltacloud"; Deltacloud is a top-level Apache
project, with an active community of developers and users which goes far
beyond Red Hat.
Q: What will happen with the Deltacloud CIMI implementation?
A: The Deltacloud CIMI implementation remains, to our knowledge, the
only current 'real-world' implementation of the DMTF CIMI specification.
I expect that individuals/organisations wishing to expose the CIMI API
in front of their own cloud services will continue to leverage Apache
Deltacloud to this end and in the process contribute to and help to
further develop the Deltacloud CIMI implementation. Red Hat will
continue to participate in the DMTF Cloud Management Working Group that
is developing the CIMI specification.
Q: What will happen with the Deltacloud release process/cycle?
A: The current monthly release cycle is unsustainable, at least right
now. This was made possible by the outstanding engineering and QE team
that Red Hat has sponsored to work full-time on the Deltacloud project.
The release cycle moving forward will be determined by the community.
Q: Is Red Hat washing it's hands of Deltacloud altogether?
A: NO, absolutely not. The Apache Deltacloud PMC will continue to have a
number of Red Hat engineers and those that have previously worked on the
project will continue to monitor issues/questions/patches on the mailing
list/JIRA/irc - albeit at a reduced rate.
Q: What about the mailing list, irc, JIRA, community call?
A: The mailing list and JIRA will remain in place as they are
administered directly by the Apache Software Foundation. For now, the
community calls will be put on hold, however anyone is free to organise
and chair these calls moving forward.
Please respond to this e-mail with any further questions you might have
that aren't addressed above,
all the best, marios