FYI the GCI started yesterday, but Fedora is in and we can add tasks throughout (coding ends mid January). So if anyone is interested feel free to ping me and we can get your task added to the list.

A few of us were tossing around ideas about how to implement the Deltacloud gnome-shell frontend previously mentioned so depending on progress with that, we can potentially add a small GCI task around that. There have already been a few students interested in the Fedora/Ruby tasks I added (and from what I hear alot of students have already picked up tasks in the GCI already).


On 11/20/2012 10:49 AM, Mo Morsi wrote:
If anyone is interested in submitting a proposal.

Submitted a few smaller ideas that had been discussed for the Fedora/Ruby sig. The GCI is geared towards high school students (whereas the GSOC is for college level participants) so obviously the expectations here should be slightly different.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: GCI 2013 - Mentors required (8 days left)
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 19:44:24 +0530
From: Buddhike Kurera <>
CC: Mo Morsi <>

Hello All,

Google Code in 2012 will be starting on 26th November, that means only
 days left.

Therefore we are looking for mentors who can assist with the students
mentoring them at least with 2 tasks. If you are interested please do
contact us asap. Please login with your Google account to and create your profile, then send me your username
so that I can invite you to become a mentor with the Fedora project.

You can add you task at

If you want any help please do contact me at any time, Thanks !

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera (bckurera)
summer-coding mailing list