Hi all.
Here's a typical meeting order of business/agenda for the cabal to consider. It may seem unnecessarily stuffy, but I find that having real process helps to keep the discussion from wandering off on tangents, which is important if you want anything to really be done.
Finally, note that it is the responsibility of the Awesome to direct the discussion, remind folks to stay on the current topic, etc., and the responsibility of the rest of the cabal to be willing to be so directed and to follow the process for getting concerns properly addressed. Otherwise it all devolves into chaos.
Proposed Aeolus tech cabal meeting format =========================================
* Roll -- the secretary notes those present. Important in case votes are taken, etc.
* Discussion of and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. This *should* be quick and easy, but sometimes the secretary gets a detail wrong and it's important that there be a channel to address that.
* Sub-cabal reports. Should the cabal find it necessary to create subgroups to work on specific issues, this is the spot to hear reports from them and discuss issues that come up or proposed resolutions.
* Old business. Items that were tabled during the previous meeting for research or further contemplation should be discussed here. The Awesome should provide a list of items if there are any, and members should be asked to bring up any that have been overlooked.
* New business. Items that were suggested for discussion on-list but have not yet been brought up should be discussed here. Members should be able to suggest new items for discussion during the meeting if there is time after any items listed on the agenda have been discussed.
* Adjournment
Voting procedure ================
There will come a time when some of the cabal feels it is time to either vote on an issue or table it until the next meeting, while others feel it needs further discussion. In this situation a member must move to either vote or table, and another member must second the motion; if there is no second, the discussion should continue. I hope things don't ever get controversial enough that we have to vote on whether to end debate, but if they do, that's the procedure.
Throughout the process, it is the job of the Awesome to move the discussion from item to item and to remind members to stay on topic.
I would suggest the cabal put the above to discussion and vote early in the next meeting, so that the procedure is established going forward. I'd also suggest the cabal choose a secretary, it's an important job that probably shouldn't be rotated weekly.
Have fun, --Hugh