I have started working on Linux URDU Translation, the translation team is:
1. Nayyar Ahmad (me) :)
2. Sohail Riaz
we had started it as a part time activity, but after some days spending with
translation, we have now decided to do it on full time bases, for the
reason, i have requested one of my friend in Japan, and he have donated me a
domain and web-hosting-space i.e. linuxinurdu.org
I am now searching a few dollars donation to buy two PCs and for Pocket
Money :). this will help me to give full concentration to translation
if i could get some small donation, I hope we will succeed pretty soon. I
personally request you all to find few dollars donation for this project.
I am very much thank full to MR. ALAM , he really did help me.
Nayyar Ahmad
Helo i want a 150 DVD and t-shirt but i don't now when can they come to
me i need it for nex month. Do you sent it to my it's for Fedora Core
open Days you can read about it on www.fedora.pl (in polish 1 news)
*Hi all Ambassador and Council around the world!*
My name is Pablo Barrera Franco, from Argentina, and I am starting this
Ambassador Path. I worked with Linux
since 2000 and I travel around Argentina spreading FOSS concepts since
2002. We are starting with the help of some
Red Hat LA executives some actions to create Fedora Users Group in
Buenos Aires.
I hope be useful for the main objetive, and feel free to contact me. I
am always ready to travel around the world to spread
our loved Platform. I will go to FISL7 in Brazil next April to contact
Brazilian Fedora Community and learn from their work.
I give support in some IRC community channels at Buenos Aires Night
23Pm-02AM (GTM -3) for Linux newbies...
My Mails
pablo(a)barrerafranco.com.ar for Open Source affairs
pablo(a)inflexia.com.ar for Fedora Affairs
pablo.barrera(a)jabber.org for IM contact
p.barrera for Skype
Waiting for your feedback send U greetings from the most southern
country in the World.
Fedora Ambassador "Apprentice"
So I think this is a excellent idea. Everybody in the community who is
willing to distribute media signs up in the page. Adds their name,
region, number of CD/DVD's and other relevant comments in a table and
everybody else who wants the media contacts them. Ambassadors can act
as regional contact points for these things in many occasions. Also Link
to LUG's which have a list of CD's available. Let the community serve
themselves in a distributed fashion instead of the project trying to do
it top down.
Fedora Bug Triaging - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers
From yesterday's Ambassador's meeting (which I missed--sorry all--was
Standard Presentation for Fedora Ambassadors
mether: I will own a standard presentation then. delivered in
weeks . I already spend hours on creating the GNUNify
which can work out as a standard one.
mether--I would like to assist as a reviewer / editor with you on the
standard presentation...
Martin Joseph Brej * Fedora Enthusiast &
mjbrej(a)sbcglobal.net * mjbrej on irc.freenode.net #fedora-mktg
gpg fingerprint 202E 9B0A 2D20 C9B6 D703 1504 51D1 E1E8 14A0 CF3B
I need to raise some funds for the Fedora Legacy project. I need to
purchase some hardware to help the transition from one build software
setup to another. Initially this would just be some ram at around $100
in cost, but in the near future we are going to need some more storage,
and I would like to pay something to the company that has donated
hosting and power thus far. It was recommended to me that I ping this
list about fund raising, so I am.
Jesse Keating
Release Engineer: Fedora
Hello y'all
So, Solutions Linux is over. It was a pretty good event. There were fewer
people on the last day, and I didn't see reactions very diffrent from the
day before.
The president of my LUG told me that if I can get goodies through the
Ambassadors program, they are very much appreciated at install parties.
Like "If you choose to install Fedora, you get a free pen, cap,
tshirt, ...". Can we order schwag for install parties, and not only for
larger events ?
I've also met someone from Red Hat France (W. Hoffmann) who is interrested
in organizing events together. We'll see what comes out of that, I'll keep
you informed.
I've attached to this mail the presentation I used for the event. It's
heavily based on previous slides, and it's in french. I can translate it to
english if you want, but you'd better double-check it for mistakes before
using it then.
If you think it can be useful, I'll post it on the wiki, but I don't know if
we can post non-english slides on wiki/Marketing/Slides
I've also attached my modified template for business cards. A few things
about it :
- it's scaled for "Canson 4567-600" business cards paper.
- I've added "http://fedoraproject.org" under the logo, but it's not in the
same font as the logo itself. Pretty close though : the "a" is different
and the end of the lines are not rounded, but it's barely noticeable at
such a size. The font I used is URW Gothic.
- if some OpenOffice guru knows how I can automatically or manually
propagate a change in the first card to the other ones on the sheet, I'm
all ears. I guess that would involve macros, but why not.
I could post them on the wiki too, but I'd rather wait for a way to have the
website name in the same font as the logo.
Hope you find that useful.
http://aurelien.bompard.org ~~~~ Jabber : abompard(a)jabber.fr
"Backups are for wimps. Real men upload their work to an ftp server
and have everybody mirror it." -- Linus Torvalds
Dear Mateusz,
> We want to talk about Fedora and free soft whith teachers and student
> what do you think about it??
I am doing the same things and it works great. Ok, I admit that it permits to students to have an introduction about Fedora However, it is only ponctual events and it is not so sure that student will use it.
That is why I am trying to establish a durable relation between Fedora communauty and schools with the Fedora Education program when I am doing events at schools.
Have a look at the following URL : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Education
If you need more information or if you have remarks feel free to contact me by mail.
Best Regards
-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-ambassadors-list-bounces(a)redhat.com [mailto:fedora-ambassadors-list-bounces@redhat.com]On Behalf Of Mateusz Halaba Ambsador Fedora Core
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 4:28 PM
To: fedora-ambassadors-list(a)redhat.com
Subject: [Fedora-ambassadors-list] Fedora in school
yesterday i tald with friends and we have a idea Fedora (Linux) in School
We want to talk about Fedora and free soft whith teachers and student
what do you think about it??
Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
yesterday i tald with friends and we have a idea Fedora (Linux) in School
We want to talk about Fedora and free soft whith teachers and student
what do you think about it??
Hi all,
Today I spent my first day presenting Fedora at Solutions Linux in Paris.
This is a primary report.
* About Fedora :
- Most people have already heard of Fedora
- Usually people know that Fedora is the successor of Red Hat Linux
- They don't usually know that there Red Hat is still working on it
- They don't usually know that there is also a community behind it now
- They don't usually know about other sub-projects, not even Fedora Extras.
* Technically :
- People have a worse hardware detection experience with Fedora than with
Ubuntu or Mandriva (very popular in France), usually as regards to Wi-Fi
cards. This is (IMHO) because non-official drivers (as in "not in
upstream's kernel) are not included in Fedora, and most WiFi drivers are
still young, thus not included upstream. Hardware detection is still very
important when choosing a distribution
- Most people don't know about SELinux
- Some people are interested in Xen and virtualization (it seems in the
current hype)
- I've had a very interesting argument with a python developer about the
fact that there is only one version of python in Fedora, what to do to make
multiple versions installable, and what would the advantages be (mainly two
words : Zope & Plone). I currently maintain Zope and Plone in Extras, and I
confirm its a mess with the very up-to-date version of python that Fedora
ships. I'll post on fedora-devel-list about that, and see if something can
be done.
* Logistics
- DVDs where distributed very fast, I had to ration visitors
- T-shirts are slower, people don't expect them to be free so they don't ask
for it. I'm confident I'll give them all away before tomorrow evening
though. A small "Free T-Shirts" sign should do the trick :)
- Beeing on another association's booth is ok, but it's much much better to
have a Fedora booth.
- The Fedora Ambassadors Project should recruit as much as possible to be
able to correctly man the boothes. Having several ambassadors in the same
zone is not a problem.
- People like the business cards :) We should add the URL on the template.
What is the font used for the logo by the way ? I'll post my modified
template for the only business card paper I could find (Canson) after the
I'll post the slides I've made for the event when it's over (I make small
fixes from time to time). They're in french, and it's a general Fedora
If you have questions or things you think I should do tomorrow (last day),
feel free to ask.
http://aurelien.bompard.org ~~~~ Jabber : abompard(a)jabber.fr
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of
life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be
enthusiastic about." -- Albert Einstein
next meeting will be at 22 UTC next Thursday February 9, 2006.
(09:02:58) lxmaier has changed the topic to: Fedora Ambassadors meet
here to discuss expanding the Fedora user base | Meeting in Progress
1 Review upcoming events
Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2006 Solutions Linux 2006 Paris, France – Aurelien Bompard
Aurelien is at the show and not here in the meeting; he has
coordinated with one of the Fedora developers who will be at the Red
Hat booth to help him distribute DVDs, so we have all three days
covered as it looks
Feb 4-5, 2006 GNUify Pune, India .
http://gnunify.sicsr.ac.in/index.php – Rahul Sundaram
mether: rejected at the last minute for unknown reasons! I am
attending the meet anyway
Feb 8-10, 2006 LinuxAsia/FUDCon Delhi 2006 New Delhi India – Rahul
Sundaram, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
Sankarshan: Things are under control
Rahul: I have to prepare my presentations. that would happen in the weekend
The DVDs have arrived, and the t-shirts too
Feb 11-12, 2006 SCALE 4X Los Angeles, California, USA – Thomas Chung
tchung was not here to report
Feb 14-17, 2006 LinuxWorld Conference & Expo Mexico Mexico City, Mexico
has no owner
BobJensen: Mexico City, I talked to a buddy in MC about it and he
expressed interest. We are going to talk about him becoming an
ambassador tomorrow night. I will have him email you and/or the list
if he has any questions
Feb 14-16, 2006 Embedded World Nürnberg, Germany
no owner
Nürnberg is quite far from here, but che is in Munich. maybe he is
interested. he registered as Amabassador some weeks ago. thl will ping
Feb 15-17, 2006 Open Source World Conference II Málaga, Spain
we have no ambassador in spain so far.
does anyone know someone in spain to recruit them as ambassadors?
[sasquatch] will be pinging the Red Hat folks in Spain, then he will
report to the list when he's heard back from the spanish red hatters.
Feb 24-26, 2006 PyCon 2006 Addison, TX, USA
no owner
Feb 25, 2006 Fedora Day The first day in The Netherlands to promote
Fedora and to support new users. Hengelo (GLD), The Netherlands
Thijs not present
Feb 25-26, 2006 FOSDEM The sixth Free and Open source Software
Developers' European Meeting in Brussel -Belgium-
http://www.fosdem.org/2006 FredericHornain
fred is not present
Mar 16-18, 2006 Free Desktop Event http://www.desktoplivre.org.br
MauricioPretto (?)
mauricio pretto is not present
Mar 28-30, 2006 LWCE Australia Sydney:
http://www.linuxworldexpo.com.au/ DavidBarzilay
barz is not present as well
Apr 3-6, 2006 LWCE Boston Boston, MA, USA:
http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/live/12/events/12BOS06A -- will be right
before FUDCon Boston 2006 MatthewMiller
Matthew not present
Apr 7, 2006 FUDCon Boston 2006 Boston, MA, USA: Sequel to the first FUDCon
gregdek has a meeting with Jack today. Jack's working on a call for
presentations and so forth. We've got space set aside at BU; that part
is all set. So we're moving forward there.
Apr 19-22, 2006 FISL 7.0 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 7th
International Free Software Forum. RodrigoPadula MauricioPretto
Rodrigo and Mauricio both not present
Prudhvi: Hi, we have a FOSS meeting here in Vijaywada in June, the
Date is Tentative and I will represent Fedora. Will post the event to
the Events page
Linuxtag at Wiesbaden, Germany GeroldKassube
neither chitlesh nor gerold are present
Schwag pipeline
gregdek: Completed designs are due by tomorrow. The US coolstuff store
will be no problem. Still working with EMEA and AP coolstuff stores.
The Ambassador request form needs to be altered so they are requesting
kits. Not a la carte items.
What's in the kit: A few shirts, a bunch of hats, a bunch of stickers,
pens, as much as $100 will buy. Posters aren't working out for this
Funding for attendance
lxmaier: FAMSCO is discussing the basic requirements for ambassadors
to fulfill to be considered eligible for reimbursement. we have been
talking about this on the famsco list and will post our draft to the
ambassadors list when it's ready.
Standard Presentation for Fedora Ambassadors
mether: I will own a standard presentation then. delivered in two
weeks . I already spend hours on creating the GNUNify presentation
which can work out as a standard one.
Check out the new content on Fedora Project page! http://fedoraproject.org
Hi all,
My Name is Prudhvi Krishna Surapaneni,19 from Vijayawada / AndhraPradesh
India. I am a Core member of AndhraPradesh LUG ( aplug ). I started off
using Linux from Redhat 7.3
I work for a local ISP here in Vijayawada. Mostly maintaining Servers.
To Promote Fedora in Vijayawada
Server Administration, GNOME Programming
Prudhvi Krishna Surapaneni
My Box said: "Install Win XP or better ..." So I installed Linux
Hello Ambassadors from all over this wicked World!
Ever wondered what the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAMSCO)
We have been thinking on the matters discussed in this list and also on
the efforts placed so far, then decided defining the basics to better
set our goals and focus our actions worldwide.
Please feel free to check the FAMSCO Mission and Goals at any of these
Got a great idea for spreading the Fedora word in your region?
Cool! Check if the idea is aligned with one or more of the outlined
FAMSCO goals and bring it on ;)
We are doing our best to plan things ahead and to serve you better, and
we can only do it with your continuous passionate contributions and
moderate patience.
David Barzilay
Fedora Global Ambassador
Remote Ambassador for Brazil
As of right now, here's the simplified plan:
We're working to get ambassador kits produced in 3 geos: North America,
Europe, and Asia. The kits will contain:
* A few shirts. Probably four shirts -- 1 M, 2 L, 1 XL.
* A few caps.
* Pens and stickers.
No poster, because we didn't have time to design a good one. In the first
go-round, all of the graphics will be *very* simple -- probably just the
logo and/or wordmark. Why? Because we don't have much time, and
coordinating translation and the like will take too long for this
We're still on track to be able to take kit requests by March 15th.
Note: this is INDEPENDENT of the DVD production plan, which we're still
working on.
Greg DeKoenigsberg || Fedora Foundation || fedoraproject.org
Be an Ambassador || http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors