After reading through the transcript of the steering committee meeting which
happened last night, I have a few pointers:
* Why is funding, swag, and events seen as the three 'big' things? No. Events
are NOT the most important part of ambassadors. I cannot stress this enough.
Funding and swag should not be seen as something that makes or breaks
ambassadors. The only swag that is imo important is the DVDs. And these can
be produced much more cheaper than the plan so far, and should be sent to ALL
ambassadors whether they are going to an event or not. Handing out DVDs to
friends and people "on the street" is a very big way fedora is spread.
* Alex is trying to combine mentors and ambassadors. This is a sign that Alex
is thinking that ambassadors is some master project. No. It's not.
Ambassadors are here to do one job, and one job only. You do not discuss, or
deal with, marketing. You do not mentor. You tell people about Fedora. You
tell them anywhere, not just in the big events.
* The only overlap between ambassadors and mentors is that the ambassadors
project is in serious need of support. There are too many ambassadors who, in
my opinion, do not know what their role is, or how to fulfill it. It is good
that the committee is starting to see this.
As a side note:
(19:21:20) rjune [n=rjune(a)] entered the
(19:21:34) lxmaier: rjune: who are you?
(19:22:23) lxmaier: rjune: this is a members-only meeting, please leave
(19:22:42) rjune left the room (Kicked by lxmaier (lxmaier)).
I was taken aback when reading this - it shocks and saddens me. rjune is an
important member of the fedora community. Several things spring to mind here:
1) By asking "Who are you", it has become clear that Alex does not know, or
care about, anyone who is not an ambassador. She should seriously consider
getting to know strong community members like rjune, whether ambassador or
2) Fedora is open source. We are open. Why should someone be stopped from
spectating (or even taking part?) in a meeting, whether it's committee or
not, whether they're members or not?
3) /kick is a tool that should be used lightly. Not only does keeping +o go
against freenode guidelines, using said op tools is not recommended unless it
is really necessary, since it raises the channel temperature.