Hi , my name is Tinca Flavius-Antoniu , my friend call me Tony , I am from
Romania , Tirgu-Mures city , i love networks , servers , I also love Fedora
and I will contribute by presenting Fedora to the world , to people in my
city , I will assura that everyone will know what is Fedora .
I have made a lot of routers,servers of all kind
(DNS,DHCP,Apache,IRC,Shoutcast,Webmin,and so on...),i have MAN networks
(Metropolitan-Area-Network) in my city.
I would like to represent Fedora in my city , so I could talk with people ,
with business people who would like install Fedora on their servers for
companies .
I hope I will very usefull for Fedora , and I will to my best to be a very
good Fedora Ambassador .