Hello and welcome to this eighth FAMSCO weekly meeting summary.
The latest meeting was hold on March 19th 2009 on #fedora-ambassadors
Francesco Fugolini
Max Spevack
Joerg Simon
David Nalley
Susmit Shannigrahi
Regreted attendees:
Rodrigo Padula
Meeting agenda :
1. Open Issues
2. Tasks review
3. Budget
4. t.b.d.
1. Open Issues
Francesco started by thanking Max for his summary on FAmSCo discussion
about the cleaning of the ambassador's unused accounts and mentoring.
Max stated that now FAmSCo should start making decisions and
implementing policies right after the feedback period on the list.
David then stated that some of the decisions are easy to vote on, like
the inactive/active decision. Others would requiere a bit of work
before being submitted to discussion. Franceso, David and Max then
stated that a line should be drawn under the current process and have
the new process started. JohnRose (inode0) intervened and expressed his
worriness about being allowed to give feedbacks, as he seems that
FAmSCo is rushing towards quick vote on these issues. He was happy to
learn that a couple of week will be left before FAmSCo take a formal
Joerg insisted then to talk about the filter he suggested, i.e.
"has to be a Contributor to another Sub-Project inside Fedora where a
sponsor is needed" or, "is recommended by a Contributor to another
Sub-Project inside Fedora who will take mentorship for that person" or,
"has contributed to Fedora on a event before" or, "has to provide
measureable, visible contributions before!" or, "has to spend money or
whatever (if a company want to be Ambassador without doing work)".
Francesco admitted that these points are good as basis, whereas Max
expressed some little reserved on some. Francesco then recentered the
discussion on what FAmSCo has to achieve in the next few weeks: take a
decision after the comments are done on the proposal Joerg made. Joerg
then asked if the "purging inactive Accounts" topic can be decided
today and Max wondered if any feedbacks from Infrasdtructure were
needed. To what David made it clear that Infrastructure guys have not
yet decided anything but are thinking about stripping people of all
groups if they have been inactive for a certain length of time. To
which Max answered that we should wait for the Infratructure guys to be
ready on this topic and apply a global FAS account cleaning as they
wish, and wait for Ambassadors accounts to be cleaned at the same time.
However, according to David, the Infrastructure guys encouraged to have
our own Ambassador accounts cleaning, as they don't know at all when
they will be able to handle this issue. Then FAmSCO decided he could
handle its own account cleaning.
Francesco adjourned the meeting.