Dear Board,
hereby I claim that the pages with Online-Vendors like will be closed
down because
- there is no verify, that the vendor is still alive
- delivers what he promises
- has a TLA in place
- the link works
- there is something "helpful" for Fedora in general
Please have a look to your own country and decide by yourself.
So I do!
I checked the GERMAN links:
12 Links
- the first german offers Fedora 9 with a sleeve of Fedora Core 6
- the second link is broken
- Link 3 is a vendor for everything
- Link 4 a debian specialist ..
do we need such pages at all?
Friendly yours
Dear All,
We had a great event. We enjoyed a lot all through 5 days of the exhibition.
We arranged FAD in that Expo and almost all Fedora Ambassador from
Bangladesh met for the first time in a place.
The first day expo had less visitors, it might happened due the extra
security for the Finance minister who inaugurated the expo. Almost all
visitor of that day were other booths/stalls attendees. Our Fedora DVD
(locally produced) was very catchy and everybody was asking price of the
medium and were excited to get one free. We distributed only DVD and kept
the T-Shirts for the other crowded day. Earlier this month we received a
OLPC XO laptop from George Hunt, which we kept in our booth for display, it
fetched lot of kids to our booth.
The second day plenty of Linux users flocked in front of our booth, informed
via newspaper about our Fedora Both. They were telling about there problems
and troubles, few brought their laptops and told they couldn't manage to
connect mobile broadband, we tried to make them happy. In this day we
distributed DVD and Fedora Stickers along with our Fedora handbills. We
setup a PC to burn DVD for those who brought blank media.
3rd day was public holiday. The expo had the record number of visitors in
it's history and we were exhausted. Fedora Ambassador Rejaul
Islam<>joined me and shared
half of the pain :) He proved to be very good at
preaching, and later I found he is a man of Marketing. This day we finished
almost half of our DVD and other swags. We were happy to introduce Fedora to
lot's of school boys, Rejaul informed them about the Fedora Scholarship and
inspired to apply.
4th Day was public holiday too, but schools were open. Crowd was limited but
everyone was stopping by our booth to get a free DVD, the word must have
spread via various Bangladeshi mailing lists. we had adopt *
prize-for-the-quiz* before giving a free DVD. We just inquired if they use
any Linux distro or if they have heard about Fedora, even asked what are the
4 Fs and so on. But, the most important part of this day was the first ever
real FAD for Bangladesh. We had already announced that long ago through
mailing lists, and FB event page was there. Almost all Fedora Ambassador of
Bangladesh showed up along with Fedora Users. Imtiaz
Rahi<>told us about
fedoraproject and it's various sub projects and inspired us to
join other sub projects as well. I told them about l10n subproject and found
that everyone wanted to do some localization. We met Rana Khan, who planned
a Fedora 12 Release party at his University, he was asked to make an entry
in the event page. I decided to give 50 DVD for his party, all other
ambassador agreed to attend his event. We agreed to arrange series of events
through out 2010 and thought. Imtiaz Rahi also requested to step ahead for
the Free Media project and asked to mail him if anyone is interested.
Mizan<>agreed to that from
his city Chittagong. At the end we distributed DVD,
T-Shirts, Stickers, clicked group photos and had food. Here is a photo
5th and last day was a less happening cause it is the starting day of the
week in our country, though we finished all our DVD (except 50 for the
release party). A group from workshop named WALCOM(!) held in an university
came to our booth and discussed technical things.
Later I became ill, standing throughout the 5 days of the expo and hence
reporting lately. But I was excited to meet all the Ambassador of my country
for the first time, this is the time I had the one of the F (friends); I
want to do this again and again.
Mahay Alam Khan (mak)
Fedora Ambassador
TalkingPoints are key features of the new release that we want to point out they are meant to answer the question "so what cool stuff is in the latest release of Fedora?" So we are inviting *everyone* active/inactive to participate in writing the talking points of "Fedora 13"
Feel free to add-in features that you think should be a talking point and the reasons( if you see a feature and want it to be a talking point, put down the reasons why ) You can follow the Talking point SOP if you want to know how we are making talking points for Fedora 13.
Aamir A Bhutto
This Sunday (14/2) I gave a talk/workshop about the Fedora project as an
operating system and a community of contributors.
In the first hour I described the Fedora as a leading community to the FOSS
world and generally how many cool stuff are happening here. Later on I
showed them how easy and meanfull it is to be a Fedora project contributors
and I gave some examples about the Special Interest Groups.
After that I presented them the new cool futures of the Fedora 12 release
and how to create a Fedora 12 Live USB Stick.
The last one and a half hour the talk turned into a workshop where everybody
lived the Fedora 12 experience on their desktops. They had the opportunity
to learn how to install Fedora 12 from a livecd to the hard drive, to
explore the system and generally learn something new, simple and different
from their orange funky operating system they use to work. The audience were
actually 25 Ubuntu users and after the talk I received many positive
comments about the Fedora Project.
During the talk there were 2 GREAT (female) volunteers who were interpreting
everything into Greek Sign Language. This is a new perspective which must be
adopted by everyone. The whole presentation was recorded (+the girls) and it
will be published soon.
I really want to thank GreekLUG[1] who invited me and in that point I want
to mention that the guys are making a really good work here in Thessaloniki.
In the future we are planning at least 2 more talks, one of them regarding
OLPC and Sugar.
You can find my presentation’s slides here[2]. Some photos are from Fosdem
and shotted by Luca Foppiano[3].
P.S.: I own you a Fosdem recap too. I’ll write/publish it soon
Christos Bacharakis
Dear fellow ambassadors,
Today is the day for our EMEA Ambassador meeting
(Europe, the Middle East, and Africa)
on #fedora-meeting !
Day : Wednesday, February 17th, 2010
Time : 20:00 UTC (check…
to know your own time depending on your countries)
Channel : #fedora-meeting
Meeting agenda (add your topic before the meeting please) :
Update your agendas, and don't forget to join us.
As always, we welcome ambassadors from any region to join us :)
See ya in the meeting,
Pierros Papadeas
PGP key: 0x6130DBF8
liknus @ GRnet , Freenode
Minutes (text):,_20…
The complete log for those of that enjoy spending the extra bits:
(09:00:38 PM) makfinsky: #startmeeting FAmNA 20100216
(09:00:42 PM) zodbot: Meeting started Wed Feb 17 02:00:38 2010 UTC. The
chair is makfinsky. Information about MeetBot at
(09:00:43 PM) makfinsky: #meetingname FAmNA Feb 16, 2010
(09:00:43 PM) zodbot: Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea
#link #topic.
(09:00:45 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: (Meeting topic: FAmNA
(09:00:47 PM) zodbot: The meeting name has been set to 'famna_feb_16,_2010'
(09:00:47 PM) dramsey: .fas dramsey
(09:00:49 PM) zodbot: dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey'
(09:00:52 PM) makfinsky: Welcome all to the Feb 16, 2010 FAmNA meeting
(09:00:53 PM) Ac-town: .fas Ac-town
(09:00:56 PM) smooge left the room ("-ENOCAFFEINE").
(09:00:57 PM) zodbot: Ac-town: actown 'Derrick Dymock' <actown(a)>
(09:00:59 PM) makfinsky: .fas makfinsky
(09:00:59 PM) VileGent: no need to fas
(09:00:59 PM) etank: .fasinfo etank
(09:01:01 PM) zodbot: etank: User: etank, Name: Eric Lake, email:
ericlake(a), Creation: 2009-11-22, IRC Nick: etank, Timezone:
America/New_York, Locale: en, Extension: 5140933, GPG key ID: 5A5151D6,
Status: active
(09:01:02 PM) jetrigger: .fas jetrigger
(09:01:04 PM) zodbot: etank: Approved Groups: ambassadors cla_done
(09:01:08 PM) crossbytes: .fas crossbytes
(09:01:09 PM) zodbot: makfinsky: makfinsky '' <ivan.makfinsky(a)>
(09:01:09 PM) jds2001: .fasinfo jstanley
(09:01:13 PM) zodbot: jetrigger: jetrigger 'Chris W Tucker'
(09:01:17 PM) zodbot: crossbytes: crossbytes 'Kevin Higgins'
(09:01:20 PM) zodbot: jds2001: User: jstanley, Name: Jon Stanley, email:
jonstanley(a), Creation: 2007-12-16, IRC Nick: jds2001, Timezone:
US/Eastern, Locale: en, Extension: 5102788, GPG key ID: 1F85118D,
Status: active
(09:01:22 PM) rrix: .fas rrix
(09:01:24 PM) zodbot: jds2001: Approved Groups: sysadmin-main altvideos
web +sysadmin-tools @gitkeychecker +sysadmin-web cla_fedora cla_done
sysadmin-test triagers ambassadors +fedorabugs marketing @gittriage
sysadmin sysadmin-noc bzrpackagedb sysadmin-devel gitpython-bugzilla
@packager gitsupybot-fedora sysadmin-hosted @provenpackager
(09:01:28 PM) zodbot: rrix: rrix 'Ryan Rix' <ry(a)>
(09:01:29 PM) threethirty: .fas threethirty
(09:01:32 PM) makfinsky: #topic-Agenda
(09:01:33 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: -Agenda (Meeting topic:
FAmNA 20100216)
(09:01:36 PM) zodbot: threethirty: threethirty 'Justin O'Brien'
(09:01:37 PM) makfinsky: Thx VileGent
(09:01:48 PM) ke4qqq: .fas ke4qqq
(09:01:50 PM) zodbot: ke4qqq: ke4qqq 'David Nalley' <david(a)>
(09:02:19 PM) makfinsky: #link
(09:02:19 PM) makfinsky:
(09:02:25 PM) makfinsky: #topic Announcements
(09:02:26 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Announcements (Meeting
topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:03:21 PM) makfinsky: Bueller?
(09:03:38 PM) ***inode0 has an announcement
(09:03:45 PM) inode0: there appear to be no announcements
(09:03:53 PM) makfinsky: Excellent!
(09:04:03 PM) londo left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(09:04:14 PM) makfinsky: Moving on then.
(09:04:16 PM) makfinsky: #topic Events
(09:04:18 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Events (Meeting topic:
FAmNA 20100216)
(09:04:28 PM) makfinsky: #topic Events - TLF
(09:04:29 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Events - TLF (Meeting
topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:04:36 PM) makfinsky: #link
(09:05:01 PM) inode0: we had a shipping mishap - I assume it is either
straightened out or will be soon
(09:05:36 PM) inode0: I sent stuff, it was refused, then returned to ke4qqq
(09:05:48 PM) makfinsky: Refused by...? That sounds odd.
(09:05:53 PM) inode0: dell
(09:05:59 PM) makfinsky: Heh!
(09:06:04 PM) inode0: just a goof up
(09:06:05 PM) jetrigger: sent to david at work?
(09:06:12 PM) makfinsky: Ok, it happens.
(09:06:17 PM) inode0: scott
(09:06:20 PM) jetrigger: k
(09:06:33 PM) makfinsky: Ok, next.
(09:06:37 PM) inode0: CFP was also extended to 3/1
(09:06:54 PM) inode0: submit papers!
(09:06:56 PM) makfinsky: We do have several folks heading there, correct?
(09:07:17 PM) ke4qqq: jetrigger: it's leaving me tomorrow
(09:07:22 PM) inode0: spevack and I have submitted talks and plan to go
if they are accepted
(09:07:24 PM) jetrigger: good deal
(09:07:43 PM) makfinsky: Excellent.
(09:07:51 PM) inode0: there are several Texas people going for sure
(09:07:53 PM) makfinsky: inode0: You seem to be a font of paper ideas.
(09:08:34 PM) inode0: that is all I have on TLF unless collier_s has
something to add
(09:08:41 PM) makfinsky: Ok, any other events not on the agenda?
(09:08:56 PM) threethirty: My buddy Murph and The New Jersey Linux
User’s group are doing a showing of the film “Revolution OS” at the
Darress Theatre in Boonton NJ on Wednesday, March 31st 2010.
(09:08:56 PM) inode0: there is another one on the agenda
(09:09:08 PM) dramsey:
(09:09:27 PM) collier_s: inode0, just to let you know the packages still
are not here
(09:09:31 PM) makfinsky: Ah, yes, getting ahead of myself.
(09:09:56 PM) makfinsky: #topic Events - SCALE -- final check-in before
(09:09:56 PM) makfinsky: #link
(09:09:57 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Events - SCALE -- final
check-in before event (Meeting topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:10:00 PM) jds2001: threethirty: where in the world in Boonton?
(09:10:00 PM) inode0: collier_s: ke4qqq just mentioned he will be
shipping them tomorrow if I understood him
(09:10:16 PM) collier_s: ah, ok, i just joined, thanks
(09:10:36 PM) threethirty: jds2001: beats me, i think they have a map on
their site
(09:10:47 PM) ***jds2001 shipped the vertical banners awhile back.
(09:10:52 PM) jds2001: scott should have them now.
(09:11:04 PM) jds2001: but he is unhere.
(09:12:01 PM) ***nb
(09:12:06 PM) makfinsky: Ok, what's the update with ScaLe? Lots of folks
heading there.
(09:12:29 PM) ***inode0 just tried to poke lcafiero
(09:12:52 PM) inode0: he likes making a fashionably late entrance for effect
(09:12:56 PM) ke4qqq: makfinsky: there will be a fedora presance
(09:12:58 PM) VileGent: several of us anyways, quaid is keynoteing, and
we are have a FAD working on the Summer of Code stuff
(09:12:59 PM) ke4qqq: presence even
(09:13:06 PM) jnettlet left the room (quit: Remote host closed the
(09:13:30 PM) makfinsky: Excellent, any challenges, difficulties?
(09:13:32 PM) VileGent: herlo, i think is giving a talk as well
(09:13:43 PM) VileGent: we will see about the weather
(09:13:58 PM) VileGent: eof
(09:14:03 PM) makfinsky: stpierre is as well. Not sure if it's in FAM
capacity though.
(09:14:06 PM) ***quaid pokes his head in
(09:14:21 PM) lcafiero5
[~lcafiero(a)] entered the room.
(09:14:38 PM) quaid: makfinsky: stpierre is who?
(09:15:38 PM) ke4qqq: quaid: chris stpierre
(09:15:47 PM) ***ke4qqq thought he was listed under lopsa
(09:15:52 PM) ke4qqq: this year anyway
(09:16:06 PM) jds2001: yeah, he is lopsa
(09:16:22 PM) ke4qqq: a lot of LOPSA presence this year
(09:16:26 PM) makfinsky: quaid: stpierre is giving an ldap talk, not
sure if he's an ambassador. smart guy, is #rhel often.
(09:16:33 PM) jnettlet [~jnettlet(a)]
entered the room.
(09:16:57 PM) quaid: ok, I'm wondering because we're planning a flyer
with Fedora/Red Hat talks
(09:17:00 PM) makfinsky: Sounds like ScaLE is the place to be.
(09:17:00 PM) inode0: he is a lopsa instructor and pal
(09:17:15 PM) jds2001: and an all around good guy
(09:17:31 PM) inode0: not an ambassador but helped at the Fedora booth
at the summit
(09:17:37 PM) jds2001: if you really want to be cool, get buttons
printed that say 'poor stpierre'
(09:17:41 PM) jds2001: :D
(09:18:15 PM) ke4qqq: quaid: what night is thai?
(09:18:15 PM) quaid: I don't see it on the schedule
(09:18:19 PM) lcafiero5: lopsa hosts SCALE U at SCALE
(09:18:20 PM) ke4qqq: and when are you guys getting in
(09:18:25 PM) quaid: ke4qqq: thai?
(09:18:29 PM) quaid: we're getting in Thu. night
(09:18:32 PM) ***ke4qqq just found out I am arriving really late on
Wednesday night
(09:18:39 PM) ke4qqq: quaid: food
(09:18:45 PM) VileGent: ke4qqq, 11AM thursday
(09:18:49 PM) quaid: ke4qqq: oh!
(09:18:53 PM) quaid: I had no idea ke4qqq was going to be there
(09:19:08 PM) ke4qqq: quaid: attending on someone elses dime, but yes
will be there
(09:19:25 PM) quaid: ke4qqq: FAD dinner is planned Santa Monica
(09:20:26 PM) makfinsky: Anything else for SCaLE?
(09:20:33 PM) lcafiero5: Yes
(09:20:37 PM) herlo [~clints@fedora/herlo] entered the room.
(09:20:40 PM) herlo: oh, hai
(09:20:58 PM) jds2001: the fashionably late herlo, as always :)
(09:21:08 PM) lcafiero5: I agendized this to put out a call at the 11th
hour for any swag folks might want to send
(09:21:15 PM) herlo: well, you couldn't call me that if I wasn't
fashionably late :)
(09:21:20 PM) lcafiero5: folks = reg ambassadors
(09:21:29 PM) ke4qqq: lcafiero5: I'll be bringing case badges
(09:21:31 PM) jds2001: lcafiero5: i have stuffs I could send.
(09:21:32 PM) mock [~mock@fedora/mock] entered the room.
(09:21:40 PM) lcafiero5: We're set with media, case badges
(09:21:45 PM) ke4qqq: ahhhh cool
(09:21:47 PM) quaid: lcafiero5: I have a small stack of t-shirts
(09:21:50 PM) ke4qqq: then I won't
(09:21:52 PM) herlo: ke4qqq: you going to be at SCaLE? :)
(09:21:52 PM) lcafiero5: and tattoos
(09:21:56 PM) ke4qqq: herlo: yep
(09:21:58 PM) herlo: w00t!
(09:22:02 PM) jds2001: lcafiero5: i have stickers, tattoos, and pens
(09:22:18 PM) lcafiero5: Need pens and stickers
(09:22:30 PM) herlo: lcafiero5: I've got pens, if you want 'em
(09:22:32 PM) lcafiero5: If we don't get 'em, we don't get 'em, but I
thought I'd ask.
(09:22:34 PM) jds2001: will send, wont last for all of scale though.
(09:22:35 PM) herlo: buttons somewhat too
(09:22:45 PM) ***ke4qqq has no buttons
(09:22:50 PM) lcafiero5: Also, I'd like to see how the cheat cubes turn
out and maybe run off a bunch to hand out.
lcafiero5 lcameron_
(09:23:04 PM) jds2001: do that at kinkos out there.
(09:23:06 PM) makfinsky: lcafiero5: Cheat cubes?
(09:23:13 PM) lcafiero5: Right.
(09:23:14 PM) threethirty: i just made a cheat cube they are awesome
(09:23:14 PM) jds2001: thats what we did last year iirc for the media
(09:23:25 PM) lcafiero5: I remember jds2001
(09:23:56 PM) jds2001: and herlo was making a fool of himself, but when
does he not? :D
(09:23:59 PM) lcafiero5: But that's all I had to say, other than plans
have worked out well so far and we're looking forward to quaid wowing
the masses on Saturday
(09:24:26 PM) lcafiero5: Thanks to vwbusguy for doing all the legwork on
(09:24:27 PM) makfinsky: Is the con being recorded?
(09:24:35 PM) herlo: makfinsky: yup
(09:24:40 PM) lcafiero5: I think so, yeah.
(09:24:43 PM) makfinsky: Excellent.
(09:24:47 PM) ke4qqq: makfinsky: yes - but will be weeks if not months
after the fact before they are releasesd
(09:24:48 PM) etank: lcafiero5: have you printed an of the cubes yet?
(09:24:50 PM) ke4qqq: released
(09:24:54 PM) lcafiero5: Not yet.
(09:25:08 PM) etank: threethirty: what size paper did you use for them
(09:25:10 PM) lcafiero5: Will probably go to Kinko's tomorrow
(09:25:20 PM) threethirty: etank: a4
(09:25:25 PM) lcafiero5: a4 got it.
(09:25:37 PM) etank: ok. i was thinking 11x17 card stock
(09:25:38 PM) ke4qqq: threethirty: why a4?
(09:25:55 PM) threethirty: ke4qqq: im poor and thats all i have
(09:26:04 PM) ***lcafiero5 is poor too.
(09:26:05 PM) dramsey: Got to love the cube! :)
(09:26:11 PM) dramsey: #link
(09:26:17 PM) makfinsky: Ok, anything else for SCaLE? If not, inode has
a couple items to mention.
(09:26:20 PM) etank: the cube is awesome
(09:26:22 PM) makfinsky: Thanks dramsey.
(09:26:22 PM) ***ke4qqq didn't know that a4 was very common in the us
(09:26:30 PM) lcafiero5: I don't have anything else.
(09:27:00 PM) makfinsky: #topic Events - TLF revisited
(09:27:01 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Events - TLF revisited
(Meeting topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:27:07 PM) VileGent: i printed some on letter but i forgot to pick
them up out of the printer i will check in the morning
(09:27:28 PM) inode0: I just forgot to mention that TLF requested that
we provide some literature for inclusion in the conference bag
(09:27:50 PM) inode0: so if any marketing/art/ambassador types would
like to help with that it would be greatly appreciated
(09:28:04 PM) jds2001: inode0: make a design-team ticket?
(09:28:19 PM) inode0: I'm not taking it, I'm asking for help :)
(09:28:43 PM) ke4qqq: inode0: really? who from TLF?
(09:29:09 PM) inode0: probably nate but I don't know since the request
came to me second hand
(09:29:23 PM) jds2001: when is this literature required?
(09:29:40 PM) inode0: probably late March/early April
(09:29:51 PM) lcafiero5 left the room (quit: Quit: Java user signed off).
(09:30:01 PM) jds2001: what kind of literatrue are they looking for?
(09:30:23 PM) inode0: something about Fedora to put in the bag, beyond
that I don't know anything
(09:30:23 PM) dychen_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
(09:30:38 PM) tatica left the room (quit: Remote host closed the
(09:30:51 PM) ***ke4qqq assumed TLF == The Linux Fund
(09:30:51 PM) inode0: I expect one of the tri-fold stock things would
work well, maybe updated
(09:30:55 PM) ke4qqq: not Texas LF
(09:31:20 PM) inode0: ok, one other thing so we can leave events
(09:31:30 PM) inode0: #link
(09:31:33 PM) makfinsky: #topic Events - PyCon
(09:31:34 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Events - PyCon (Meeting
topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:32:06 PM) inode0: Several Fedora developers are attending PyCon
again this year from the 17th to 25th of this month
(09:32:29 PM) makfinsky: Wow, that's a long conference.
(09:32:43 PM) inode0: I shipped an emergency supply of Fedora goodness
to Atlanta for them to lure people into our lair with
(09:32:52 PM) cmpahar left the room (quit: Read error: Operation timed out).
(09:33:11 PM) makfinsky: Excellent. McStabby volunteered to deliver,
(09:33:32 PM) inode0: yes, but I shipped to the conference hotel so he
is off the hook
(09:33:50 PM) makfinsky: Ah, good.
(09:34:02 PM) inode0: that is all
(09:34:06 PM) makfinsky: #topic Budget Review
(09:34:06 PM) makfinsky: #link
(09:34:07 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Budget Review (Meeting
topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:34:19 PM) makfinsky: #topic Budget Review - Fedora Branded USB Key
Price Quote
(09:34:20 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Budget Review - Fedora
Branded USB Key Price Quote (Meeting topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:34:36 PM) inode0: ok, just for the record
(09:34:58 PM) inode0: I requested a quote from Red Hat's source of USB
sticks used at the past couple of summits
(09:35:20 PM) jds2001: those sucked last year, btw.
(09:35:34 PM) jds2001: or rather the year before
(09:35:38 PM) inode0: The quote I got for Fedora branded 2GB swivel
sticks came in around $13.50 - $15.00
(09:35:42 PM) jds2001: the last summit i was it :)
(09:36:03 PM) inode0: which is a bit pricy for us I think - but there it is
(09:36:11 PM) makfinsky: inode0: Wow, that seems pricey.
(09:36:21 PM) ke4qqq: hmmmm think we can get it in before budget cutoff?
(09:36:22 PM) inode0: the branding on them is nice
(09:36:43 PM) inode0: can anyone reach spevack?
(09:36:45 PM) ***ke4qqq notes there's 16,000 in ambassador budget that
will disappear in just a few days
(09:36:46 PM) jds2001: yeah, when you charge $900 for a conference, $15
isnt that much - but for swag, it is :(
(09:36:48 PM) ke4qqq: inode0: no
(09:36:50 PM) ke4qqq: inode0: not really
(09:37:09 PM) inode0: well, let me say something about these
(09:37:09 PM) VileGent: ke4qqq, i think we can do alot cheaper to be
(09:37:24 PM) inode0: I wasn't thinking about getting them to drop on a
table as swag
(09:37:30 PM) ke4qqq: but I am sure quaid or mchua, or gdk could hook us
up with a PO
(09:37:55 PM) inode0: quaid mentioned giving them to people who asked
good questions at a talk and that got me thinking
(09:38:09 PM) quaid: "Ever filed a bug report?"
(09:38:11 PM) dramsey: +1 great thoughts and ideas.
(09:38:13 PM) inode0: that it would be nice to just have some around for
special uses like that
(09:38:22 PM) ke4qqq: I agree
(09:38:23 PM) warren left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(09:38:32 PM) makfinsky: inode0: +1
(09:38:41 PM) ***ke4qqq liked the $nextrelease's idea as well
(09:39:16 PM) inode0: ke4qqq: well, I have a quote in hand, just need
money :)
(09:39:39 PM) ke4qqq: quaid: ??
(09:40:20 PM) quaid: wow, that's a toughie potentially
(09:40:39 PM) quaid: I'm fairly sure we need spevack for this, and he is
deeply out of pocket
(09:40:49 PM) inode0: at a minimum it would run around $2500 I think
(09:40:53 PM) quaid: however, if you bounce me the quote I can get it in
to his queue, top-center
(09:40:59 PM) ke4qqq: yeah I know about that - but can gdk help us?
(09:41:02 PM) ke4qqq: or sometihng
(09:41:09 PM) quaid: well, I'll do a full-team alert, yes
(09:41:09 PM) ke4qqq: if not we'll just miss it
(09:41:11 PM) inode0: quaid: I'll forward it to you
(09:41:15 PM) quaid: and greg is last seen in RDU
(09:41:46 PM) ke4qqq: yeah i figure greg is at least in proximity to
finance types
(09:42:13 PM) ldimaggi_ left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(09:42:22 PM) makfinsky: #action Need P.O. for USB sticks, inode0 to
forward quote to quaid.
(09:42:58 PM) makfinsky: USB sticks would be nice for demo'ing spins.
(09:43:16 PM) makfinsky: Ok, 5.
(09:43:21 PM) makfinsky: 4.
(09:43:24 PM) makfinsky: 3.
(09:43:27 PM) makfinsky: 2.
(09:43:27 PM) makfinsky: 1.
(09:43:29 PM) makfinsky: #topic Budget Review - Event box for Canada
(09:43:30 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Budget Review - Event box
for Canada (Meeting topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:43:55 PM) ke4qqq: did we not get that bought?
(09:45:00 PM) ***ke4qqq sees that my email is still in draft
(09:45:21 PM) VileGent: i thought so but we need the have the people for
Canada to respond for certain
(09:45:27 PM) makfinsky: Ah, the oft overlooked maintenance.
(09:45:54 PM) ke4qqq: I'll follow up on the list?
(09:46:31 PM) makfinsky: #action ke4qqq will follow up on Event box for
(09:46:34 PM) inode0: I think it hasn't been taken care of but isn't
really that urgent ...
(09:46:55 PM) VileGent: Unfinished Business Event Box for CA (VileGent,
(09:46:55 PM) VileGent: 1. ACTION: Arsenick arrange with Max to order
Pelican 1610 box (VileGent, 03:07:25)
(09:46:58 PM) inode0: I mean $200 now or later isn't really critical
(09:47:28 PM) ke4qqq: ok , that will move til March then
(09:47:44 PM) makfinsky: Anything else?
(09:47:48 PM) makfinsky: 5.
(09:47:51 PM) makfinsky: 4,3,2,1.
(09:47:54 PM) makfinsky: #topic Budget Review - T-Shirt order
(09:47:56 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Budget Review - T-Shirt
order (Meeting topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:48:26 PM) inode0: we have a quote for those also sitting on
spevack's desk
(09:48:48 PM) makfinsky: Sounds like we are on hold until max returns.
(09:48:49 PM) inode0: 270 shirts came in at $1,783.00
(09:48:59 PM) ke4qqq: inode0: just order these
(09:49:05 PM) ke4qqq: it will come out whenever it comes out
(09:49:07 PM) makfinsky: inode0: Those are the splatter shirts, yes?
(09:49:14 PM) inode0: no
(09:49:15 PM) VileGent: no
(09:49:18 PM) ke4qqq: tshirt people don't demand payment up front
(09:49:37 PM) inode0: ke4qqq: brian will order them however he and max
always do it
(09:49:59 PM) ke4qqq: ahhh didn't realize it was waiting on demonjester
(09:50:13 PM) VileGent: $7 each seems steep for the white shirts
(09:50:26 PM) inode0: these as I understand it are blue shirts with I
(f) Fedora on the front and the logo on the back
(09:50:57 PM) inode0: ke4qqq: I think Brian is waiting on Max to say do it
(09:51:07 PM) inode0: but he just got the quote today I think
(09:51:36 PM) ke4qqq: ok, but as quaid noted, max is out of pocket for a bit
(09:52:16 PM) inode0: doesn't know what that means
(09:53:03 PM) makfinsky: Ok, anything more?
(09:53:06 PM) inode0: StabbyMc is also waiting I think on a quote for
stickers, or on art or something
(09:53:24 PM) inode0: unless someone wants to tell me what being out of
pocket means
(09:53:41 PM) etank: inode0: i think it means unavailable
(09:53:47 PM) ke4qqq: clings gone out?
(09:53:49 PM) thewonderer57 left the room (quit: Remote host closed the
(09:53:57 PM) makfinsky: inode0: I think it's a military surveillance
reference. Means un-reachable.
(09:53:59 PM) inode0: StabbyMc has them is all I know
(09:54:46 PM) makfinsky: #action StabbyMc to send out clings.
(09:54:50 PM) inode0: should we set StabbyMc up with UPS ... I think so
(09:55:02 PM) ke4qqq: inode0: I sdent him details already
(09:55:11 PM) inode0: ok, good
(09:55:12 PM) ke4qqq: for that very purpose when he was in clemson
(09:55:39 PM) makfinsky: #topic Unfinished Business
(09:55:39 PM) makfinsky: #topic Unfinished Business - Campus Ambassador
(09:55:41 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Unfinished Business
(Meeting topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:55:42 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Unfinished Business -
Campus Ambassador Program (Meeting topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:56:10 PM) inode0: just a quick comment that we had a meeting last
saturday, biertie is the new sheriff in town
(09:56:35 PM) inode0: he sent out mail to the list about the next
meeting, which is really the first meeting
(09:56:54 PM) inode0: it would be great if some NA campus ambassadors
would attend
(09:56:57 PM) ke4qqq: awesome!
(09:57:16 PM) makfinsky: Ah, if only I could easily get back to campus...
(09:58:41 PM) inode0: biertie will need help from people in all regions,
including NA
(09:58:45 PM) inode0: I'm done
(09:58:54 PM) dramsey: +1 for help
(09:59:11 PM) makfinsky: #link
(09:59:17 PM) makfinsky: Thanks inode0
(09:59:26 PM) makfinsky: Ok, last but not least.
(09:59:27 PM) makfinsky: #topic Open floor
(09:59:29 PM) zodbot has changed the topic to: Open floor (Meeting
topic: FAmNA 20100216)
(09:59:45 PM) dramsey: Thinks Scholarship program is way excellent for
(09:59:47 PM) dramsey: #link
(10:00:08 PM) dramsey: eof
(10:00:45 PM) makfinsky: dramsey: Where are you now?
(10:00:46 PM) dramsey: Sends power Fedora 12 energy for Scale event...
(10:01:03 PM) dramsey: Coming to U.S. next week...downtown Tokyo now.
(10:01:05 PM) makfinsky: Are you still heading up the UMD events on the
(10:01:18 PM) dramsey: Yup!
(10:01:58 PM) dramsey: Going to visit old coworkers at Nasa Goddard and
HQ as well as try to get Campus people to network...sort of two birds
with one stone concept...
(10:02:05 PM) makfinsky: Excellent, I'll have to hit that up the next
time it's not snowing here.
(10:02:39 PM) dramsey: yup, I am sensitive to weather white-out indeed...
(10:03:01 PM) dramsey: +1
(10:03:21 PM) makfinsky: Ok, anything else?
(10:03:50 PM) dramsey: Tnak
(10:03:53 PM) dramsey: hank y
(10:03:58 PM) makfinsky: Closing meeting in 5.
(10:04:00 PM) makfinsky: 4.
(10:04:01 PM) makfinsky: 3.
(10:04:02 PM) makfinsky: 2.
(10:04:03 PM) makfinsky: 1.
(10:04:05 PM) makfinsky: #endmeeting
Ivan Makfinsky
Chief Systems Architect
Endosys, Inc.