Hello list,
I was hoping that people from Fedora would like to come to the event and
represent Fedora at the conference. If anyone would like to come you can
have a free table. Just email to reserve the table. Thanks for your time
and help.
Announcing the 2nd annual Northeast GNU/Linuxfest.
Where: Worcester State University, Worcester MA
When: March 17, 2012
Info: http://northeastlinuxfest.org
Last year we had just speakers at the event. This year we are stepping
it up considerably. We are featuring a hackerspace competition where
teams from across the Northeast will compete for prizes for best
design. This years theme is accessibility. We will also hold LPI and
BSD exams on the morning of the event. The folks from Open Street Map
will hold workshops throughout the day. We also have tables from
various sponsors. Among the keynote speakers this year will be the
other organizer for the event Jonathan Nadeau. Jonathan is blind but
this has not prevented him from working with Debian, Fedora and Triquel
in hopes of making each distribution more accessible for vision impaired
or physically disabled. This is an event that can also be used to meet
other people in the linux world and make new contacts. This is an all
day event. All events will be held in the main student center. There
is also a cafeteria on the second floor which features a $5 all you can
eat buffet. Last but not least, if you are 21 or older we have our very
popular after party event at Jillians. We also have arranged to get
special room rates at the Worcester Marriott. You must reserve your
room before February 17, 2012 to get this rate. You can either use the
link off the Northeastlinuxfest website or you can make reservations
over the phone but be sure to mention the Northeast Linuxfest group to
get the rate. You can get to Worcester by train or bus if you do not
have a ride. You can find that information on the website as well. We
hope you can attend and most most important, the admission is free! The
website again is http://northeastlinuxfest.org Take back control of
your software, take back control of your computer!
Jonathan Nadeau http://www.jnadeau.org
Northeast GNU/Linux fest http://www.northeastlinuxfest.org
I am still/again traveling, so I won't make it for today's meeting of
* the EMEA ambassadors at 20:00 UTC
* FAMSCo at 23:00 UTC
If somebody would take over hosting any of these, I'd highly appreciate
Sorry for the late notice,
I am glad to see efforts to do classroom sessions.
Given the 24 time zones we have on the planet, perhaps I can suggest that
sessions like these be repeated once to handle timezones. My suggestion
would be for the principal presenter to present his/her stuff during
that person's
waking hours and schedule another to handle those whose waking hours are
I think it is wonderful that people step up and run classrooms, and as
recipients of these sharing, we should be appreciative of the effort and
let the presenter do it in their time zones.
This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
2012-01-16 / 18:30 UTC
IRC: freenode
Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi (16 janvier) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting .
L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :
N'hésitez pas à le modifier pour rajouter des sujets qui vous semblent intéressants.
Merci de répondre à ce message en cas d'indisponibilité.
as I will be on my way to the airport in order to go to FUDCon, I need
someone to host the IRC meetings for me on Wednesday, Jan 11th:
1. EMEA ambassadors meeting, 20:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting
2. FAmSCo meeting, 22:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting
If you are taking over the ambassadors meeting, please go to
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2012-01-11 and
replace "FIXME" with your user name. Please don't forget to add the
meeting logs and minutes after the meeting.
As for the FAmSCo meeting I think Neville should take over since he is
vice chair.
Kind regards,
I attended the 25th International Conference on VLSI Design and 11th
International Conference on Embedded Systems [1] between January 7-11,
2012 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre [2], Hyderabad,
India. The first two days consisted of tutorial sessions, and the next
three days had the conference presentations [3]. There were also
exhibit stalls from different companies.
On the first day I attended the tutorial session on SystemC AMS
extensions [4] by Markus Damm [5], Sumit Adhikari [6], and François
Pecheux [7]. Chitlesh Goorah [8] had earlier tried to get SystemC into
Fedora and Fedora Electronic Lab [9], but, due to licensing issues
[10] it could not be included. SystemC-AMS is now released under
Apache license. Open SystemC Initiative and Accellera Unite have now
integrated to become Accellera Systems Initiative [11]. We hope to
work with them to get their sources under a single free/open source
software license. François Pecheux is from Laboratoire d'Informatique
de Paris 6 [12], Pierre & Marie Curie University (UPMC) [13], and we
already ship their free/open source EDA tools in Fedora.
On day two, I attended the tutorial session by Sridhar Arvind [14] on
3D-ICE [15], a free/open source interlayer cooling emulator from
Embedded System Laboratory [16], Ecole polytechnique fédérale de
Lausanne [17], Switzerland. I have already been working with Sridhar,
Prof. David Atienza [18] and Alessandro Vincenzi [19] on testing
3D-ICE on Fedora. I had built and tested the dependency SuperLU [20]
library and the 3D-ICE package before the tutorial session. Their
software has already been downloaded by over 70 research labs around
the world. I will push our tested changes to them. On the later half
of the day, I attended a session on verification constraint
complexity. Teal [21] is a useful verification utility and connection
library that has support for constraints and parameter control. The
authors of the tool had agreed to release it as free/open source
software, and we also ship it in Fedora.
On the following three days of the conference, I attended various
paper presentations from different tracks from reconfigurable
architectures to methods in AMS optimization. I met Prof. Susmita
Sur-Kolay [22] from the Indian Statistical Institute [23], Kolkata,
India where they run Fedora in their labs. They also wished to use the
3D-ICE tool and GPU tools in their labs. I also visited the exhibit
stalls meeting different people from the industry and academia. There
are quite a few interesting free/open source tools that users can
benefit from, and we will work in making them available in Fedora. In
2013, the conference will be held in Pune. Thanks to Red Hat for
sponsoring my travel and participation at the conference.
[1] 25th International Conference on VLSI Design.
[2] Hyderabad International Convention Centre. http://www.hicc.com/
[3] Conference schedule. http://vlsiconference.com/vlsi2012/conf_schedule.htm
[4] SystemC-AMS extensions. http://www.systemc-ams.org/
[5] Markus Damm. https://www.fp7-smartcode.eu/ecws2/biosketch/damm
[6] Sumit Adhikari. http://rfamsarchitects.weebly.com/
[7] François Pecheux.
[8] Chitlesh Goorah. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Chitlesh
[9] Fedora Electronic Lab. http://spins.fedoraproject.org/fel/
[10] Distributing SystemC in Fedora.
[11] Accellera Systems Initiative. http://www.accellera.org/home/
[12] Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6. http://www.lip6.fr/index.php?LANG=en
[13] UPMC. http://www.upmc.fr/en/index.html
[14] Sridhar Arvind. http://people.epfl.ch/arvind.sridhar
[15] 3D-ICE. http://esl.epfl.ch/3d-ice.html
[16] Embedded Systems Laboratory, EPFL. http://esl.epfl.ch
[17] Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. http://www.epfl.ch/index.en.html
[18] Prof. David Atienza. http://people.epfl.ch/david.atienza
[19] Alessandro Vincenzi. http://people.epfl.ch/alessandro.vincenzi
[20] SuperLU library. http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU/
[21] Teal. http://www.trusster.com/products/teal/
[22] Prof. Susmita Sur-Kolay. http://www.isical.ac.in/~ssk/
[23] Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. http://www.isical.ac.in/
Shakthi Kannan
Hello all,
Some of us fedora volunteers are getting together this Saturday around
1100 hours at the food court, Forum, Koramangla. It isn't an event, just
folks getting together: maybe some hacking, planning, fun.
I've gotten in touch with quite a few folks who've jumped at the chance
of getting together. I've also made an announcement on the Bangalore LUG
mailing list, and on my blog (It should've showed up on the planet by
If you're around, we'd love to have you there! More the merrier!
Ankur: "FranciscoD"
Dear Fedora Ambassadors!
The Insight team is looking for help, aid, we would like to grab more
people for the development of the project called Fedora Insight[1].
But what is that Insight? Those who don't know this project here is an
short description:
Fedora Insight is a Drupal-based website that serves as a place to
publish and share news, articles related to Fedora and Fedora
marketing materials in various formats. Insight makes it easy for
users, developers, and journalists -- people who aren't yet a part of
the Fedora contributor community -- to keep up with recent highlights
without following a dozen different blogs and mailing lists.
We believe you can help us in Insight development. Currently we are
looking for the following people:
1. Theme creator
Knows the combination of HTML, CSS and a little bit of PHP. To this
you need only some Drupal theme docs [2][3] and you could successfully
contribute, to be available an Drupal 7 theme for Insight. If you are
interested, you'll find our wiki [3] how can you make contact with us,
and where you could find the Drupal theme (sample) files.
2. PHP (+Drupal) developer
If you know PHP, but would like to learn Drupal either, then you're
our perfect candidate.
Currently we have an actively maintained FAS auth module [4] for
Drupal 6, what we would like to update to Drupal 7. Also we could
provide an documentation [5] for this, what is available on
drupal.org. We use the Feature module, what makes easy the development
flow. More about this - check at [6] here.
3. Testers, Use case testers
It's important, that we must test it out every piece of code, an we do
it as we could. Sadly, sometimes some bugs are appearing when it's
unwanted, or it's stays hidden, or we haven't met. Therefore we
appreciate anybody who could help to discover and report bugs. Tester
can be anybody from the community, no need any special knowledge. We
need also people who help to test out the mentioned FAS auth and
Drupal 7 Mediawiki modules, the calendar module, and the site itself.
All this can be done on our testing site [7]. But here
pre-registration is required, because the FAS module has been
temporarily disabled.
To be able help our work, please send an mail to our mailing list [8],
with an short introduction that includes FAS, and the job that would
like to help us. After this you'll receive the necessary access
rights, if the work needs that. (eg. like you would like to make an
Also, you as a future important contributor of the project, we
awaiting you - and everyone else online at Fudcon Blacksburg 2012,
where we'll put great emphasis to the calendar module [9], and we ask
you to share any kind of idea, critics around it, or just contact with
us through the IRC - at fedora-mktg channel. We gladly help your first
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight
[2] http://drupal.org/update/themes/6/7
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_work_on_the_Insight_theme
[4] http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=drupal6-authfas.git;a=summary
[5] http://drupal.org/update/modules/6/7
[6] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight_development_using_Features_module
[7] https://insight02.dev.fedoraproject.org
[8] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/logistics
[9] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight_use_cases_for_calendar
PGP: 06853DF7
My name Alexjan Carraturo (axjslack on FAS), and I0m an ambassador since 2008.
Looking at the list of ambassador (
), I noticed that I'm not in that list, but until recently times I was
I checked my account on FAS, and there is still "Approved" as
ambassador. There may have been some technical problems, although I do
not know the nature, what can you do about it?
thanks in advance
Alexjan Carraturo
Free Software User Group Italia administrator (http://www.fsugitalia.org)
Fedora/openSUSE Ambassador
member of FSFE Italian Team
Twitter/Facebook/Identica: axjslack
Blog: http://axjslack.wordpress.com
This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
2012-01-09 / 18:30 UTC
IRC: freenode
Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi ( 9 janvier) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting .
L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :
N'hésitez pas à le modifier pour rajouter des sujets qui vous semblent intéressants.
Merci de répondre à ce message en cas d'indisponibilité.
Finally, here is my event report!
The release party[1] took place the 3rd of December in the same place as usual
in Paris.
There were many Fedora contributors (thanks for coming guys!).
We first enjoyed a pizza together, and then met people, spoke about Open
Source and the Fedora Project, and installed Fedora when asked to do so,
or helped people discovering Fedora.
We have also distributed many Fedora medias, and shown to people how to
create live USB.
There were more people as last time at our talks, that was great.
There were recorded (with slides) but we still need to create the
webpage to hold them.
* Christophe Fergeau held a talk about Spice,
* Michael Scherer held a talk about common firewall security
* Bertrand Juglas has introduced OpenStack
* With some other we spoke about projects wide translation
We also had a chance to met some contributors that we see everyday in
irc but we never personally met before.
One more time, I forgot to take a group picture, which is something more
important to me than a room picture showing people beeing helped.
Action written for the next event!
If you have any questions, I am around!
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Rencontres_Fedora_16_%C3%A0_Universciences
Kévin Raymond
Hash: SHA1
We are planning a GPG Key Signing event at FUDCon Blacksburg, which
will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2012 at 1600 (4pm). If you are
interested in participating, please add your info to
so we can compile a list of participants and keys. So far we have 22
keys signed up and we hope to have even more. That wiki page also has
more information about how we will conduct the event.
I intend to print copies of the GPG key list on either Monday or
Tuesday, I will probably be waiting until Tuesday, but please sign up as
early as you can. I will also publish on my fedorapeople site a gpg
signed copy of the key list. The current version is at
http://nb.fedorapeople.org/keys.pdf and the signature will be at
http://nb.fedorapeople.org/keys.pdf.asc after the final list is
If you don't get signed up in time, you can still participate, just
bring printed slips with the output of 'gpg --fingerprint YOURKEYID'
printed on them to hand out at the event.
We will also be hosting a CAcert assurance event immediately
following/in conjunction with the GPG keysigning event. Please see
for more information and a place to sign up for that. We will have
enough assurers present for you to receive well over the 100 points that
you need in order to qualify to become an assurer yourself. Please note
that if you intend to participate in the CAcert event, the name in your
government issued photo ID must match the name recorded in your CAcert
For more information on either event, feel free to contact me at
nb(a)fedoraproject.org or nb(a)cacert.org
Thanks and see you at FUDCon!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Hello Everybody,
I've just created a survey to collect information from ambassadors
regarding RH certifications and Fedora Training.
This is a small survey and please spend few minutes to complete it. :)
The idea behind this survey is to collect information from ambassadors
about their desire to learn Fedora and get certified from RH.
After the collection of data, we can ask for the support from FAmSCo and
come up with a better solution.
dramsey[1], our fellow APAC ambassador, was the person who was originally
brought this idea to the floor. Credits goes to him. ;)
The survey :
(Survey URL is brought in as a frame, under the official LK Community
website to keep the URL simple instead of complicated google URLs)
Results page:
[1]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey
- Uditha Bandara Wijerathna -
- Fedora Project Ambassador for Sri Lanka -
IRC: udinnet | Fedora Profile<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Udinnet>
| Email: udinnet(a)fedoraproject.org
In case anyone is interested :)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Antriksh Shah <antriksh911(a)gmail.com>
> To: sanjay_ankur(a)yahoo.co.in
> Subject: nullcon Security Conference Goa, 15-18 Feb 2012
> Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 10:34:58 +0530
> nullcon (http://nullcon.net)is India’s Premier Security Conference
> organized and managed by an official security community and its
> members. We are a team of security professionals who love what they do
> and it becomes evident when one attends any of our conferences.
> nullcon @ Bogmallo Beach Resort 15th – 18th Feb 2012 GOA – EVENTS
> Keynote
> 1. Dr. Kamlesh Bajaj CEO – DSCI
> 2. Alok Vijaynt Director – NTRO
> Conference (Research Track)
> 1. Charlie Miller - Breaking iOS Code signing.
> 2. Andrew King - AV Bypass: Your Antivirus cannot protect you
> 3. Rahul Sasi - IVR Security: Internal network attacks via phone lines
> 4. Atul Alex - Binary God
> 5. Gursev Kalra - CAPTCHAs for fun and profit
> 6. Anant, Prashant, Pardhasaradhi - Haxdroid: Empowering Android
> Handset
> 7. Bishan Singh - Node.js: The good, bad and ugly
> 8. Don A. Bailey - War Texting: Weaponizing Machine 2 Machine
> 9. Justin Searle - Attacking and Defending the Smart Grid
> 10. Nishant, Sarathi - Ra.2: Blackbox DOM-based XSS scanner
> 11. Anil, Chaitany - Content Sniffing Algorithm bypassing Techniques
> and Possible Attack Vectors
> Conference (Technical Track)
> 1. Vivek Ramachandran - WiFi Malware for fun and profit
> 2. Marc Bown - Sharing the love: Forensics in shared hosting
> environments
> 3. Amol Sarwate - SCADA Security: Why is it so hard?
> 4. Disha Agarwal, Manish Pali - Sandboxing: The deep truth
> 5. Almerindo Graziano, George Nicolaou - The art of security evasion:
> From theory to practice and defeating myths
> 6. Lavakumar - Javascript analysis with IronWASP
> 7. Nibin Varghese - Attacking Backup Software
> Conference (Business Track)
> 1. Albert Hui - An effective Incident Response Triage framework in the
> age of APT
> 2. Hemant Khandelwal - Best practices to improve security grading of
> your product
> 3. Pukhraj Singh - Shall We Dust *Beep*? – The Geo-Strategic Realities
> of Cyberwar
> 4. Ketan Vyas – Application security cost management.
> Hacker challenges
> 1. HackIM - Pre-nullcon Hacking challenge. Winner gets Free VIP pass
> and Stay at the conference. To be announced in Jan 2012. If the winner
> has already purchased the pass it will be reimbursed.
> 2. BattleUnderground - Our signature hacking challenge at the
> conference. Winner takes away SANS SEC 504 Training (worth USD 4095)
> 3. JailBreak - Two days of team based, stressful, engaging and
> continuously running hacker challenge under house arrest.
> Tech Hacking Villages
> The villages are an informal, hands-on, learning, discussion Setup
> which will run parallel to the conference with repeating sessions of
> 1-1.5 hrs each, so you can register for your slot at a convenient time
> and not miss your favourite talk. Registration is free for the village
> but will be on a first some first serve basis. Each session will host
> only 6-8 attendees at the max.
> 1. Android Village - Anything and everything you wanted to know about
> your Android Smart phone, from rooting, exploitation, malware to
> pentesting and Moding.
> 2. Hardware Village - Teensy Hacking
> Expert Security Trainings on 15-16th Feb 2012
> 1. Xtreme Web Hacking By Akash Mahajan and Riyaz Walikar
> 2. Advanced WiFi Security By Vivek Ramachandran
> 3. Xtreme Xploitation By Omair
> Contact Info:
> Antriksh Shah :- +91- 9922900657
> Pratul Bajaj: - +91-9225532322
> yoda(a)null.co.in
> pratul(a)null.co.in
> --
> Peace
> Antriksh D Shah
> +91 9922900657
> " It is not about how much I know. It is about how much you can
> understand of what I know. Trust me, I know. "
Ankur: "FranciscoD"
Hi all,
Tonight we had our last regularly scheduled FAmNA meeting before SCALE
10X and we haven't seen or approved a budget for this important event.
I have heard bits and pieces on IRC about SCALE planning so I believe
it is going forward but FAmNA really needs to approve a budget if any
funds are being requested. Rather than just not fund it we decided
after tonight's meeting to hold an emergency meeting on 12/10 (next
Tuesday) at the normal time and place for FAmNA meetings to deal with
the SCALE budget. If organizers and/or people going to SCALE on
Fedora's behalf could come and present a reasonably detailed budget
proposal we'd like to help support this event.
For future events we would like to ask that organizers plan budgets
and bring them to a FAmNA meeting well in advance of an event. Doing
this 10 days before an event really isn't the ideal way for us to deal
with event budgets.
I'd like invite everyone to Developer Conference 2012 which is a
conference organized by Red Hat for technical people (not only
developers, also admins, students,...) that are interested in Red
Hat/Fedora/JBoss technologies.
The conference will take place in Brno, Czech Republic on Feb 17-18th
and this year, we've managed to invite very interesting speakers from
all over the world. There will 60 talks in 3 tracks, 8 labs and
workshops and 3 hackfests (GKT+, GNOME Docs, and KDE SIG).
If you're interested check out the conference's site:
Hi @ all,
I know you all reading the logs for the meetings very carefully and so you
know we plan a bigger presence next year at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. Thats one
of the major events in Germany with officially 3.000 visitors.
Right now we try to get an room or an track in the official program with Fedora
related talks. In both cases we need talks, so on the end thats an fishing mail
for them ;)
If you have a idea for an talk, you can submit it
http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2012/vortraege/call_form?cookielang=en (german
only, if you need help with filling the form- just ping me)
But dont forget to post it on the wiki pages, maybe we can take not from CLT
accepted talks and put them in hour program
sad, but there are only a few days until the call for papers ends - january
br gnokii
This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
2012-01-02 / 18:30 UTC
IRC: freenode
Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi ( 2 janvier) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting .
L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :
N'hésitez pas à le modifier pour rajouter des sujets qui vous semblent intéressants.
Merci de répondre à ce message en cas d'indisponibilité.