Thank you for this info, I'm planning several short presentations about
Fedora Project at the University of Galati, Romania, and I did not know from
where / how to get Fedora 11 CDs / DVDs.
one of the greater events in Germany just opened his CfP
The deadline for submissions is 23rd of May. So submit ur papers there! ;)
As we had last year a room for ur own program
with only Fedora related topics, is there interest to organize that this year
br gnokii
Dear All,
We have successfully organized the Internet Society workshop at
*and as a part of the event Mozilla and Fedora also participated in a Table.
The Event took place at 29th March 2012 13.30Pm - 15.30Pm SLIIT 5th Floor
and More than 300 students have participated.An Event was started with
welcome speech by Dr.Koliya Pulasinghe (Dean, Postgraduate Study &
Research, Senior Lecturer SLIIT) **and then Prof.Gihan Dias(University of
Moratuwa and Chairman of Internet Society Srilanka Chapter) has deviled
speech about Social impact of the Internet...more event details can be
found at [0] [1] and [2].
Finally, Event ended with Panel talk and Mozilla goodies and Fedora 14 &16
Live CD's have given to students and also Refreshment was available at the
spot.Monies sponsored by isoc.lk
An Event Photos are available in my album[3].
Best Regards,
Hello Everyone,
A friendly reminder, the next weekly APAC meeting is on Saturday, May 05th, 2012 at 04:00 UTC. :)
The main priority of this weekly meeting is to show our continued support of FUDCon APAC in Kuala Lumper. :)
Additionally, plan for our APAC FAmSCo representation. :)
* Please be prompt and we will address priority issues first in order to save time.
* Afterwards, we will review our APAC Plan for 2012 as well as what SWAG
for example, such as F17 media and others that you need for the
future. :)
Our APAC Team as always fully supports you and I hope that your schedule permits attending our APAC meeting. :)
If you are not able to attend the meeting, then please, update the
meeting wiki and let the wiki "speak" of updates on your behalf. That
is what I do and I strongly suggest this as an option for you. :)
Day : Saturday, May 05th, 2012
Time : 04:00 UTC
See the following URL to check and verify your own timing based on your location -
* http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2012&month=05&day…
For any proposed changes to the agenda, then please update -
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-05-05#Agenda
If you are not able to join us, then please update the agenda, in order to show your updates. :)
On Freenode IRC Channel : #fedora-meeting
Help on IRC -
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo
We hope that you may be able to attend and join us. :)
Sending positive Fedora 16 & 17 energy to your computers now!!! :v)
Please have a Great Fedora day and/or evening! :~)
Thank You
- David -
David Ramsey
Even monkeys fall from trees.
Even experts make mistakes.
Fedora Project's Japan & Maryland Ambassador dramsey(a)fedoraproject.org
* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey
With sixteen (16) x86_64 computing cores, 80 GB of RAM and eight SATA Seagate 7200.12 - 500 GB harddisks.
The system definitions are at the following URL:
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey#Using_embedded_code_have_update…
Please join us for our weekly FAmNA meeting this Tuesday at 9:00pm
Eastern in #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net.
Feel free to add to the agenda. Especially if you have an event coming
up that needs some attention.
Our main agenda for this week will be to again consider funding a variety of
swag and media for the F17 release events.
== Meeting Agenda ==
=== Announcements ===
Time for brief announcements.
=== Tickets ===
Tickets scheduled for discussion at this meeting can be found at
Please read through each ticket in advance so you can be prepared to
discuss them at the meeting.
=== Open Floor ===
Unscheduled topics can be raised during the open floor if time
permits. Discussion of any topic will generally be more productive if
participants know about the topics in advance and have some time to
think about them, so please add your topics to the meeting agenda in
the ticket system when possible.
If you would like to add a topic for discussion at our meetings please
open a ticket at
and set its milestone to meeting.
This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
2012-04-30 / 20:30 (hour of Paris)
IRC: freenode
Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi (30 avril) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting-1 .
L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :
N'hésitez pas à le modifier pour rajouter des sujets qui vous semblent intéressants.
Merci de répondre à ce message en cas d'indisponibilité.
We had a great meeting with lot of actions, info and agreements.
Please refer to the logs for more info.
Log : http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-04-14/apac.2012-04-14-…
Agenda : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2012-04-28
Following is the extract from the logs for your quick reference, Thanks !
Meeting started by bckurera at 04:02:08 UTC (full logs).
Meeting summary
(bckurera, 04:02:25)
Ambassador Pinging (bckurera, 04:02:53)
Review *ACTION* items from the last meeting (bckurera, 04:06:37)
FranciscoD has been lazy and doesnt have updates (FranciscoD, 04:07:33)
ACTION: bckurera to work on video to elaborate the importance of
apac-trac (bckurera, 04:07:55)
ACTION: FranciscoD mail relevant folks with survey ideas (FranciscoD, 04:08:39)
ACTION: tuanta Reorganize items page for face2face discussion at KL
(bckurera, 04:09:03)
(VICODAN_, 04:11:45)
500 buttons for fudconkl, produced under fudcon budget (bckurera, 04:18:44)
i then asked if anybody want to produce extra under famsco budget,
which will later distributed across apac .. and what are amount extra
we want (bckurera, 04:18:51)
buttons: it would be dicy getting them in the US, shipped to harish,
and delivered to KL in time, EOF (FranciscoD, 04:21:56)
KageSenshi will start production of fudconkl buttons as soon as he
gets money from harish, that means, either monday or tuesday
(KageSenshi, 04:23:14)
http://justbuttons.org/quick-tips/what-is-acetate.html (VICODAN_, 04:26:35)
AGREED: USD 100 funding to produce 500 buttons for APAC (bckurera, 04:38:49)
APAC for FAmSCO (dramsey for you!) (bckurera, 04:40:28)
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_election_rules (bckurera, 04:49:10)
APAC Events and Status of F17 Release Parties (dramsey) (bckurera, 04:53:32)
FranciscoD help co-ordinating questionnaires for elections
(FranciscoD, 04:53:56)
bckurera is having a booth today at Apache bar camp in Kandy
(FranciscoD, 04:55:26)
Everything was going according to plan, just waiting for the funds
last. Maybe some day, I was able to spread the invitation. (arifiauo,
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/23#comment:12 (zerng07, 04:59:09)
Review APAC trac tickets (bckurera, 05:02:07)
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 (bckurera, 05:02:25)
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/23 (bckurera, 05:02:53)
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/23 (bckurera, 05:07:09)
(arifiauo, 05:13:29)
http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ (harish, 05:14:58)
AGREED: Ticket #23 funding for Taiwan F17 release party (bckurera, 05:17:13)
Regulating regional tracs (bckurera, 05:17:46)
AGREED: make apac-india read-only, then add info to header/footer that
it's read-only and to refer to the apac trac. (bckurera, 05:19:58)
ACTION: bckurera update infra about the regional trac and close the
business (bckurera, 05:20:25)
open Floor (bckurera, 05:20:44)
ACTION: FranciscoD ask adimania to confirm he has received tickets
(FranciscoD, 05:23:18)
ACTION: MavJS, can you ping all applicants using their non @fp.o
addresses to check whether they've received their tickets (FranciscoD,
for the video that you are making about trac etc, do indicate there
that the exchange rate being used is via oanda.com not anything else.
(FranciscoD, 05:24:17)
those who are attending fudcon kl, dont forget to post this
http://fedora.my/events/fudconkl2012/docs/going-to-fudconkl.png to
your blog/facebook/twitter/googleplus/wherever :D (KageSenshi,
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_election_rules (bckurera, 05:27:37)
Meeting ended at 05:28:54 UTC (full logs).
Action items
bckurera to work on video to elaborate the importance of apac-trac
FranciscoD mail relevant folks with survey ideas
tuanta Reorganize items page for face2face discussion at KL
bckurera update infra about the regional trac and close the business
FranciscoD ask adimania to confirm he has received tickets
MavJS, can you ping all applicants using their non @fp.o addresses to
check whether they've received their tickets
Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador - APAC region
Event Liaison - Design Team
Email: bckurera(a)fedoraproject.org | IRC: bckurera
Dear Ambassadors,
In recent months FAmSCo has been working hard to improve both the way
FAmSCo works and the way FAmSCo is elected to represent the Fedora
Project. Efforts directed toward the latter I think have been more
successful and have resulted in new election guidelines and the call
for a new election during the F18 election cycle which has begun
already and which will culminate in a new FAmSCo being seated in June
Any time an elected body reforms its election process there seems to
inevitably be some points of contention that arise and this process
was no exception. While there was wide support for 99% of the reforms
there still was a bit of a fuss caused by the choice of a transition
process. The decision has now been made to move as swiftly and as
fairly as possible to the new election rules with a great effort to
compromise with those who opposed the original transition plans.
Please join me in now putting all of that behind us and focus on the
future. Help create the new FAmSCo by participating in this important
transitional election.
Some important dates to keep in mind:
April 27-May 8: Questionnaire form open for the community to submit
questions for the candidates.
Please ask questions for the candidates here:
May 9-15: Nomination Period (closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on the 15th)
Begin thinking about whether you would like to serve on FAmSCo to help
make this transition a success now! Nominations begin in just 10 days
and we need good people to volunteer to serve. Being a member of
FAmSCo can't just be a title. FAmSCo members need to participate
actively in FAmSCo business, need to attend meetings, need to
participate in discussions of issues on various mailing lists and in
tickets filed with FAmSCo, and need to vote on various matters when a
vote is called.
FAmSCo itself can find some ways this time to make all of this easier
for members who are located around the world. With only seven members
and those scattered far and wide geographically makes obtaining the
current quorum of four members at IRC meetings difficult to always
obtain. Rather than be blocked by an arbitrary quorum I propose the
following change for consideration in the future.
(1) To conduct business on IRC change the quorum to three members so
business can be discussed in our public meetings. (Four votes for
passage/approval of items may still be required.)
(2) Document in the relevant ticket what exactly was proposed to be
voted on and the votes cast in the meeting and allow the absent FAmSCo
members 48 hours (or a different fixed amount of time) to vote by
indicating their position in the ticket. Passage/approval will happen
when the majority is reached but hopefully this mechanism will prevent
weeks from passing waiting for enough members to show up for a single
FAmSCo IRC meeting.
May 25-31: Townhalls (Two for the Fedora Project Board, two for FESCo,
and two for FAmSCo).
Please come to the townhall meetings. Ask questions, listen carefully
to what the candidates say, or better yet come to the townhalls as a
candidate and be the one answering the questions.
June 1-7: Voting Period (closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on the 7th).
For years now we have seen around 125 ambassadors participate in
elections by voting. Please support the efforts of your fellow
ambassadors by voting this election.
Hello APAC FAms
As you are aware we are in the process of moving from fedora-india trac
to fedora-apac trac for better coordination of your requests.
It is agreed[1] to make the fedora-india trac *read-only* and add an info to
header/ footer asking to use fedora-apac trac instead the fedora-indea trac.
I found 5 active tickets on fedora-india. Three of them seems important and
other two marked invalid since there was no any activity/ update from 8 months
and no updated info can be found about the request.
Ticket #138, #145, #146 [2][3][4] still need attention. If the
reporters of noted tickets
are still willing to get support please create a new ticket on the
fedora-apac trac[5]
or please close those tickets if those requests were fulfilled.
In future please use the fedora-apac trac to make your requests. If
you need support
please do contact me. fedora-india trac will be made read-only with in
few days.
Thanks !
[1] http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-04-28/apac.2012-04-28-…
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-india/ticket/138
[3] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-india/ticket/145
[4] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-india/ticket/146
[5] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac
Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador - APAC region
Event Liaison - Design Team
Email: bckurera(a)fedoraproject.org | IRC: bckurera