On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Kévin Raymond <shaiton@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
2011/12/10 Nikos Roussos <nikos@autoverse.net>:
> On many swag request tickets there are private personal data, such as home
> address or telephone number, because the company that ships media needs
> them.
> I think there should be an option for a ticket to be private, meaning that
> it should be visible only to logged-in users.

-1 for this, privacy is not really good for transparency.

Loging in with your fas account will get you all the transparency you want. No need for private data on public sight.
FAS account could be public.
You could tell on the trac ticket to look for your profile address.
You could even send by email to the ticket owner your personal address.
Writing your postal address is not mandatory in our trac.

If I do all the above then the swag ticketing system gets redundant, since what you suggest is do all the communication through email (which will result in a no transparency state)
> I opened a bug on websites tracker about this
> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/69

The fedora-websites trac is definitely not the right place for that,
here is the best place.

This is why I started this thread. I opened a bug because I think that technically it's the website team that should fix this.

Nikos Roussos