2008/4/24 Diaa Radwan <diaaradwan@gmail.com>:


The Linux week event took place on 20th-24th April in Helwan university - Computer science faculty. It was organized by Student United.

There was special arrangement for fedora; a dedicated day for fedora sessions. it was planned that I gave two sessions with 3 presentations.

The faculty dean was expecting us at his office, we met him and presented briefly the plans for fedora day, I handed him the lovely fedora LiveCD.

Then we checked the booth, answered some questions then moved to session's place.

read the full report http://fossology.net/fedora_day_at_helwan

Diaa Radwan


Great job.  Your report was well written and I enjoyed the pictures.
It looks like you did a good job reping the Fedora project at the event.

Thanks for your great contribution to the community!

aka, Axelilly
Catch me on gchat or Jabber