Dear all,
we did some tests in the last weeks in staging and finally moved the FAmSCo trac definitely to pagure now. As you might know, fedorahosted has some options for ACLs which aren't handled (yet) by pagure. For example we cannot set a pagure repo accessible to FAS accounts only (although there is already a plan to make that happen), and so FAmSCo decided to go for a compromise to open tickets to the public as much as possible, but preserving sensitive data we have in the trac from accesses by the whole world.

The FAmSCo trac now is working like this:
* all tickets have been set to private (accessible only by the admins and reporters);
* active tickets have been opened to the public, as there is no sensitive data inside;
* new tickets are set to public by default; remember to set the private flag if you are reporting something, which should not go out to non contributors;
* we plan to go at least through the latest closed tickets and set them to public where this is possible;
* once pagure is able to handle more ACLs or settings we will use them in order to have the trac similar to the actual fedorahosted one.

All this means you should not open tickets anymore on the old fedorahosted trac [1] but on the new trac on pagure [2]. Tickets filed on the old trac will be closed as invalid and reporters asked to file a ticket on pagure.
In these days we plan to go through the wiki to replace the old links and to add a disclaimer in the old trac for those who miss this email.

Kind regards.


Robert Mayr