On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 7:05 AM, Larry Cafiero <larry.cafiero@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 8:03 AM, inode0 <inode0@gmail.com> wrote:

But on the other
hand not everyone likes wearing polos and prefers a shirt with buttons
that is a bit more formal. I don't think anyone wants to stop doing
polos, lots of people would just like a non-polo Fedora ambassador
shirt too.

That's exactly it, John. To be both truthful and vain, I attract harpoons whenever I wear the polo because, to put it tactfully, it's unflattering on me. But that's just me.

In Mexico, Alejandro Acosta has a white work shirt with the Fedora logo (and writing on the sleeve I think), button down, that looks pretty professional.

My proposal is that we should have a choice: Those who want to wear polos should do so. Those who want to wear something different should have an option.

Putting on my polo now to go to OSCON . . . .

Larry Cafiero

Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list

I will add a +1 to the Fedora Ambassador button down shirt idea.
I have an Ambassador polo, which I have worn a few times, and since it was kind of expensive I do intend to wear it some more, but I agree the button down shirt would be nice.

There are many company shirts I have seen that were of this type, a short or long sleeve collared button down shirt, with the company logo on the left upper or right upper front of the shirt.  We could use the same template as the polos, as in, Fedora logo on left upper front, and Ambassador logo on left sleeve. 

I like the idea of having the option for either or both polo and button down shirts.

My choice of colors would be white, black, or Fedora blue, with the logos embroidered.

Matt M.