On Wed, 2008-07-02 at 22:47 -0600, Clint Savage wrote:
Hi all,
As the organizer of UTOSC 2008, I'm officially asking for help from Fedora Ambassadors who would like to attend and maintain a booth at UTOSC 2008. I'm hoping that there are a few who can make the conference. This year, we've had an amazing 89 presentations submitted, and will have approximately 50 presentations during the 3 day event. Check out more details as they are released at http://2008.utosc.com (I should also mention that our fearless leader has graciously accepted an offer of a keynote speaker).
In addition, we'll be providing a small expo floor (10-15 booths) and Fedora is one of them! To that end, I know there are funds set aside for this event and would like to request materials soon, but don't quite know how to go about it. I figure this is a good as place as any to start.
Thanks in advance for not beating me to a pulp for not knowing the process :)
I hadn't seen any responses here, but I am definitely going to this show. If any other local or regional NA ambassadors are going, now would be a good time to respond on the list. :-)
We have a booth or table for Fedora, AIUI. Since I haven't done one of these shows before, I'm not sure how the logistics work. Here's my best shot:
1. We find out how much space we have at the booth/table. 2. We figure out what we can do with that space. 3. We figure out how to get appropriate equipment, schwag, bannering, etc. to cover those goals. 4. We make sure that stuff ends up at UTOSC by the time we're there to set up. 5. We return that which requires it.
I guess this is pretty rudimentary, but I just wanted to open the conversation with that.
Other notes: * I'll be there with a laptop, and I am going to try to get a OLPC XO to show at the booth as well. Is anyone else bringing one? * We don't have a formal "USB creation station" but with an attendance in the hundreds, can we make do with a laptop? And should we create advertisements for this offering? * What schwag is already headed for this show?