On 06/12/16 02:41, Andrew Ward wrote:

The PayPal issue I could see posing a problem for other countries, but as Treasurer for NA, the idea of paying in advance does not work in NA.
For example we pay for flight and room in advance, then the individual that does not show up to the event or the room incurs more charges than authorized
it exceeds the approved budget amount. This has happened in NA, so in order to protect the organization and only with case by case situations and voted on by NA Ambassadors
do we pay in advance. PayPal has worked just fine in NA.

For those individuals that have attended events that we pay for (Fedora pays) they have some basic requirements that must be met before receiving reimbursements and is listed
on event planning/participation guides. There have been some problems in the past getting reimbursed but hopefully I have fixed that process. I usually get reimbursements to individuals
who complete the basic requirements within a few days of the Trac ticket/Pagure reimbursement request.

As for the problems with how reimbursements get handled that is why we have the Treasurer, Logistics, and a story teller to fix the loop holes. If you remember Decause and the council
set that up. So far since I hold both Treasurer and Storyteller, things have run smoothly. I cant answer for other regions on how they conduct business, but my suggestion is that each
region take a close look on how you do conduct business.

FAmNA Treasurer/Storyteller

Well, this makes sense because PayPal is NA based. It would be strange if it doesn't work over there.  The problem raises when it comes to other countries outside NA.
