Dear All,

Thanks to everyone who came to the meetings today!

Meeting summary

    1. (dramsey, 04:04:33)

  1. News from FAmSCo (dramsey, 04:04:59)
    1. IDEA: Plan more events and FADs in APAC (dramsey, 04:12:45)
    2. ACTION: Bckurera to contact Suresht and check about fedora event photo competition (bckurera, 04:24:16)

  2. Review action items from previous meetings (dramsey, 04:24:27)
  3. APAC Events and Status of F17 Release Parties (dramsey, 04:27:41)
  4. APAC Events: plans, status, reports (dramsey, 04:33:19)
    1. (dramsey, 04:34:13)
    2. (dramsey, 04:34:18)
    3. (dramsey, 04:34:41)
    4. (dramsey, 04:35:35)

  5. Trac tickets (dramsey, 04:38:27)
  6. Open Floor (dramsey, 04:40:59)

People present (lines said)

  1. dramsey (74)
  2. bckurera (35)
  3. FranciscoD (16)
  4. Suresht (14)
  5. zodbot (10)
  6. tuanta (1)


Minutes (text):


Thank You all. Please have a nice weekend.

Thanks & Regards,

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 4:27 AM, David Ramsey <> wrote:
Hello Everyone,

FYI, a friendly reminder, the next weekly APAC meeting = Saturday, August 18th, 2012 at 04:00 UTC. :)‏

* Please be prompt and we will address priority issues first in order to save time.

* We will review our what SWAG for example, such as F17 media and others that you need for the future and plan for future F18 media needs.  :)

* We are using a new agenda format "so" update the agenda with your relevant information.  ;)
Our APAC Team as always fully supports you and I hope that your schedule permits attending our APAC meeting.  :)

If you are not able to attend the meeting, then please, update the meeting wiki and let the wiki "speak" of updates on your behalf.  That is what I do and I strongly suggest this as an option for you.  :)
Day : Saturday, August 18th, 2012
Time : 04:00 UTC

See the following URL to check and verify your own timing based on your location -

For any proposed changes to the agenda, then please update -

If you are not able to join us, then please update the agenda, in order to show your updates.  :)
On Freenode IRC Channel : #fedora-meeting

Help on IRC -
We hope that you may be able to attend and join us. :)

Sending positive Fedora 16 & 17 energy to your computers now!!!  :v)

Please have a Great Fedora day and/or evening! :~)

Thank You
- David -
David Ramsey
One stone; two birds.
To kill 2 birds with 1 stone.