
Pin-pon-ing email specific cases will not solve the problem, and are out of the scope of this conversation. I think the idea, if the ambassador title is meant to be kept in the Fedora Project, is to highligh where problems are found to solve them, by re-engaging or by replacing the process with a new one.

I see 2 parts here, as we all saw in Mindshare:

- Current ambassadors wanting to be recognized, having problems on recognize what "active" means and what they can do to log this "activity".
- Newcommers wanting to became ambassadors having problems to find sponsorship/mentorship.

Both problems, from my perspective, can be solve by having a very well, direct to the point, defined "Active Ambassador Policy". This document need to be clear about how to measure this "activity", if this means that each ambassador needs to send a "I'm here" mail, so be it; if it means connect to an IRC channel, or attend a meeting, or whatever it needs to do, just do it. The problem comes when you (any of us) says: "I'm active" and then there is no place to look for activity:

- Mailing list
- IRC meetings
- FAS Activity

There needs to be something we can do to count that we are working. And here I have to talk about "us", because I consider myself still an Ambassador, my work is mostly off-line as ambassador: my region drops meetings, my region ML it's practically inactive; I have no practical ways to log or register work as ambassador. Maybe, and just maybe issues requesting funding, but as some of you highlight here, not all the activity requires funding.

Maybe, I think we can register all activity in a Pagure repo, as an issue, that can be opened when the activity is planned and closed when is complete, even if that activity doesn't require funding. That's an idea, and I will love to hear yours. Not discussions about "you did, I did, you didn't, I didn't"; just ideas on how we can measure an ambassador activity.

I agreed that you can't register or log every call, every meeting, every email you sent to host, create, organize or participate in an event, but the event itself need to be logged.

I hope we can redirect this email to the right way.

Eduard Lucena
Móvil: +56962318010
GNU/Linux User #589060
Ubuntu User #8749
Fedora Marketing Representative