On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 01:10:34PM +0100, Yaakov Nemoy wrote:
Hey Christoph,
2010/2/16 Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert@googlemail.com:
I found a short video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcb9rIfGD64 You can see the Fedora booth a couple of times. Unfortunately it confirms what I wrote previously about the booth service: Not that active as it should have been I guess.
Anyway, Next time we'll do better. I just wanted to share this video with you.
As far back as i can remember, this has been the status quo at Fosdem. I am going to be very blunt here, but i really mean this in the most positive way.
Step up or shut up.
I have no issue with what you wrote, Yaakov, except that I would *really* like it if we could avoid this type of phrasing. I know you meant it in a positive way, but there are better ways to say the same thing, e.g.:
"Be the change you want to see in the world." -- M. Gandhi
I've seen the phrase you used elsewhere, and I don't agree this phrasing is in the best spirit of our community. I *do* agree with the general sentiment that we are all responsible for doing our best, and where anyone find problems, we should bring them up respectfully and *be part of the solution*. Congratulate before criticizing, and realize that it is up to each of us to create a positive atmosphere while making improvements in Fedora.
It's the event owner's responsibility to set the policy for how people should behave at an event. I've worked with a number of different event owners and each time the policy is different. If you have an issue with the way the owner of Fosdem ran the booth, i suggest you email him first in private. Complaining about it in public like this just creates alot of ill will all around and doesn't help anyone.
If you think you can do Fosdem better in the future, i politely suggest that you get more involved. A polite email with Frederic is still the way to go here. Once you've gotten him to agree to let you help, then it's only appropriate that you do bring the issue up here, and ask everyone to heed the policy the next time around. If this is something you feel should be true for all events, write up a generic policy and ask Famsco to look it over.
This is in every aspect a legitimate conversation we should be having. We do want to present an image to the public, and i agree with you, there should be less hacking at the booth. I just hope that we can find a better way to communicate this and make this change happen without pointing fingers.
If i'm going to point fingers, i'm going to point them at myself. OpenRheinRuhr in Bottrop - using a laptop at the booth, guilty as charged. I promise to do it less in the future.
+1 to all the above. I worked hard at the 2009 LinuxTag event to make sure that I didn't make the same mistakes as in the 2008 LinuxTag event. (Maybe I made all new ones, but we accept that in Fedora.)