As far as I know, Livna policy is to only include open source software. It is a repo for patent-problematic, but yet open source software. So MPEG-4, MP3, AAC, H.264, Xvid, MPlayer etc stuff -- that all has open source implementations -- are available on Livna, and this is enough for playing virtually all multimedia content you can get.

Also, the nVidia and ATI drivers at Livna are the open source ones -- not the original, more feature rich, more powerful, 3D capable, binary ones.
I believe there is also a license problem when you download the original binary drivers, repackage them and put them someplace else for downloading. They are not freely distributable, I think. So if you repackage these binary drivers you are violating their licence for distribution.

What I think Livna (or other repo) could do is what the JPackage project does for a long time: provide nosrc.rpm packages.
These are only the source RPM without the license-problematic stuff. From the user perspective, he'll have to download the nosrc.rpm file plus the ZIP file from ATI/nVidia web site and issue one simple rpmbuild command to get the installable RPM.

Altought I understand the political and religious guidelines of the Fedora project, I still believe this is a huge problem that should be discussed and fixed somehow. So in this point, I don't agree with Paul Stauffer in his previous e-mail.


2008/9/29 Shambo Bose <>

2008/9/29 Juan M. Rodriguez <>

2008/9/29 Shambo Bose <>

We can always create a secondary non free repository which will contain all the free drivers and packages[ which is not open source]
and the mp3 part is ok... they are playing mp3 in that way.


Shambo Bose

"We can always create a secondary non free repository"

We already have one, its called Livna[1], they provide packages for both ATI and Nvidia cards that are packaged for Fedora, which would mean no conflicts with existing drivers. They are sometimes hours-to-days behind kernel updates (Specifically security kernel updates) which leaves users with dependency conflicts (Either update the kernel and lose the drivers, or stay insecure for some time)



Ing. Juan M. Rodriguez Moreno
Desarrollador de Sistemas Abiertos

Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list


The livna graphics drivers does not support 3D hardware Acceleration . Is livna a official fedora repository?

Shambo Bose

Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
