2013/10/27, Joerg Simon jsimon@fedoraproject.org:
On 27.10.2013 10:32, Nobrakal wrote:
Recently, some Working Groups has been created [1]. In the most of case (except in the Server WG with Truong Anh. Tuan), we don't have any representant of the ambassador group. I exaggerate, because some developers are ambassadors (like C. Wickert, H. Guémar...), but they are in these groups primary for their skills in programming. I don't say "they are bad ambassadors", but I think developper task + ambassador reprensentant task are too much for one person.
till this point i do not understand the intention of the e-mail
I think it's a great idea to strengthens the links between ambassadors and WG. The ambassador is an important link between users and developpers, on my mind, he must be in these groups.
"must" is a strong word - we discussed concepts to enforce additional group-memberships for Ambassadors as requirement in the past without final results. Is this what you intent?
For me, "must" means an obligation, it's a synonym of "have to". I'm not a perfect english talker (I'm french ;) ), sorry fot that.
The intention of this email is to remind the importance of ambassadors. Fedora isn't just a developpers team, but much team withs different goal (like marketing and ambassador). If we forget one of that team, it's, always on my mind, a big mistake
-- Joerg (kital) Simon jsimon@fedoraproject.org http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JoergSimon http://kitall.blogspot.com Key Fingerprint: 3691 0989 2DCA 58A2 8D1F 2CAC C823 558E 5B5B 5688