On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Amita Sharma amsharma@redhat.com wrote:
My suggestions: - Have people come up and speak on opportunities for women in the Fedora Project (and open source in general) - Showcase contributions by women in Fedora - Talk about this new Diversity group and how it'll help - Try to get college people (women profs, women students) attend the event - Collectively, I think we have contacts at MIT Pune, SICSR, COEP, Indira Instt of Tech -- there should be more that I forget / don't know of. - Similarly, talk to other women in our circles working close by in Magarpatta to check if they can come attend / talk if they have open source experience.
My suggestion: post in the Bombay GLUG list.
Directly contact potential speakers. (easy)
Try and get younger women to speak.
A. Mani
Prof(Miss) A. Mani CU, ASL, AMS, ISRS, CLC, CMS HomePage: http://www.logicamani.in Blog: http://logicamani.blogspot.in/ http://about.me/logicamani sip:girlprofessor@ekiga.net