On Wed, Dec 7, 2016, at 11:24 AM, Zacharias Mitzelos wrote:
On Wed, Dec 7, 2016, at 11:26, Joerg Simon wrote:
Am 06.12.2016 um 17:19 schrieb Giannis Konstantinidis:

How frequently does your CC get maxed out? Have we tried asking RH for a raise on the limit?
around every 2-3 month ... depends the seasons - raising the limit would imho only the third best choice but the only that was not dismissed yet (i have personally no problem with the limit but it is one reason why sometimes things take longer) because i think the better alternatives would be 1. more Credit Card Holders (what if i get eaten by a Raptor?) 2. in-between recharge of the card if it is at the max


Having another card holder would be the best alternative, but I think that the official answer from RH when we tried to ask for a second card was that they don't allow more than one credit card holders in a region.

Every region effectively has more than one cardholder already.  The region's second card holder is .... me :) (Well really the FCAIC position).  I can easily step in to help out when the regional card holder's card is spent out.

The requirement here is that there must be a clear communication trail that I can follow that lets me know the expense is approved and ready.  That means that the approvals must be clear, the receipts available, the person's payment details available and the regional card holder should contact me to help them.

This does not mean that an individual waiting on a reimbursement should contact me.  That hides issues that are happening in the region.  If you feel like your personal request isn't being serviced appropriately, you should raise the issue with the regional group or FAmSCo and CC me.  This way we can solve both your problem and the larger regional challenge as well.

Based on the limited data I have access too, reimbursement delays are not being caused by cards being maxed out.  This does not happen often.  The root cause is communication.  We need to figure this out.  That means getting things out of emails and into tickets where everyone can see it.  That way the cause of the communications breakdown is clear and can be considered for solutions.

