Hi all,
Well, the year activities has begun in Latinamerica now, as you now, we have summer here and year activities starts at march.
So before the FISL in porto alegre, where with the help of Rodrigo we will bring the First Fedora Day in Buenos Aires, in April
or the first week in May.

Fedora Day will be a day of technical issues with the support of the Technical Support Chief of Red hat Latinamerica, and the
president of Joomla! Cono Sur, that will bring and issue about using Joomla in Fedora Servers as the speak of web design.

I would like to welcome to Javier Gabriel, the new Fedora Ambassador for Argentina, ( Now we are 3).

If you wan to know more about the event check the spanish argentinian new release


I will keep in touch with anticipation for requests DVds and things like that

Fedorize yourself!
Pablo Barrera