Welcome on board Matt !

2008/6/25 Matt Strawder <mstrawder@live.com>:
I just wanted to introduce myself as a new Ambassador. My name is Matt "Jobaja" Strawder. (The second "j" is like an "h" sound). I have been using Linux for 3 years now and Fedora for 3-4 months steady. I used Puppy Linux for 2 of those 3 years. I was one of the top 5 help contacts for Puppy Linux and helped with many things in the development of Puppy Linux. I also used Ubuntu off and on for 2 years. Aside from Linux I have been playing guitar for 9 years and I am a Audio/Video/Lighting specialist at my school and a few theaters nearby. I am happy and proud to be an Ambassador and I am excited to help as much as I can


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Nayyar Ahmad
RHCE (ID:804006858622745)
Skype: nayyares
Blog: nayyares.blogspot.com