
Media shipping is only an interim problem, for future community should
look ahead to lobby with public/private network service providers.

Only if u live in a country that population has full broadband access..is a point of view
that didnt look to undeveloped places....

Digital Break is not an interim problem for undeveloped countries. Easy way to not reconized
that sometimes the "competitor" is better than us., mature of a community is learn the best things
from other projects too, and shipping cds is a big "interim" feature.

Anyway, for an Enterprise than Red Hat that cost 15.000.000 in NYSE, could not be a problem 
became equal than shuttleworth to promote fedora in free ship CDs....

see the world with the same eyes all the time, dont put us forward to people, the main reason for Free Software.

really sad about this opinions....really dissapointed indeed....
probably was a mistake return to the project....
