Congratulation Grady and related.

On 6/10/08, Larry Cafiero <> wrote:
Congratulations to Grady and our neighbors to the south in Southern California!

Bear in mind we in Central California will make sure you will not be
so lucky next time :-)

<gratiutous group plug> Had I known there was a competition, I would
have entered our event at Cabrillo College in Aptos, California (Santa
Cruz County) on May 25 -- a "Hats Off to Fedora 9" installfest, which
was part of the biweekly installfests that the Cabrillo College
GNU/Linux Users Group holds.

In short, Karsten Wade attended on behalf of Fedora (I was not yet an
ambassador) and we had about 15-20 people during the course of the
four hour installfest where we showed off  Fedora 9 on a variety of
machines. I don't know how many thumb drives went out (Karsten?), but
I  know of two machines which went home with Fedora 9 on them (and
then there was that experiment with the Asus EeePC and the thumb drive
. . .) </gratiutous group plug>

Larry Cafiero (Lcafiero)
Fedora ambassador
=and =
President, Cabrillo College GNU/Linux Users Group

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Rashadul Islam
Fedora Ambassador
Northern America, Canada/Montreal
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