Ambassadors of all countries, gather to the meeting! a -- Check out the new content on Fedora Project page!
On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 09:52 -0500, Alex Maier wrote:
Ambassadors of all countries, gather to the meeting! a
Apologies in advance.
I will be catching some zzzz at the time...
But I ask a favor
could someone please put up the IRC logs (raw dump) of the meet online some where, or at least privately mail them to me.
I write the ambassadors section of the Fedora Weekly Report, and I was not able to include facts from the meeting on March 2nd, as the meeting summary was made public on the 7th, and I needed to finish the weekly report by the 6th.
If someone would mail me the IRC logs, I'd really appreciate the help.
Oh, and the meeting is at 2200 UTC, not 2300
Gja -- Tejas Dinkar - tejasdinkar AT gmail DOT com
Daemons did it