Hello everyone,
Pretty calm meeting last night, summary:
Complete log included:
02:01:30 <StabbyMc> #startmeeting 02:01:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 6 02:01:30 2010 UTC. The chair is StabbyMc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:01:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:02:03 <StabbyMc> #topic Fedora North America Ambassadors - Roll Call 02:02:12 <StabbyMc> .fas smcbrien 02:02:13 <zodbot> StabbyMc: smcbrien '' scott@mcbrien.net 02:02:24 <Ac-town> .fas Ac-town 02:02:25 <zodbot> Ac-town: actown 'Derrick Dymock' actown@gmail.com 02:02:36 <djf_jeff> .fas jfsaucier 02:02:37 <zodbot> djf_jeff: jfsaucier 'Jean-Francois Saucier' jfsaucier@infoglobe.ca 02:02:47 <ke4qqq> .fas ke4qqq 02:02:48 <zodbot> ke4qqq: ke4qqq 'David Nalley' david@gnsa.us 02:02:50 <Arsenick> .fas Arsenick 02:02:52 <zodbot> Arsenick: arsenick 'René Jr Purcell' rene.purcell@gmail.com 02:02:56 <threethirty> .fas threethirty 02:02:57 <zodbot> threethirty: threethirty 'Justin O'Brien' three@threethirty.us 02:03:14 <etank> .fas etank 02:03:15 <zodbot> etank: kenop 'Chetan Kumar' chetanku@gmail.com - spyrkob 'Bartosz Spyrko-Śmietanko' bspyrkos@redhat.com - thomasthetank 'thomas strickland' strickland.thomas@gmail.com - etank 'Eric Lake' ericlake@gmail.com - swetank 'SWETANK KUMAR SAHA' swetank@aol.in - ketankumar 'ketankumar patil' ketan_bhag@yahoo.co.in 02:04:20 <StabbyMc> Anyone else for roll call? 02:04:32 <lcafiero> .fas lcafiero 02:04:32 <zodbot> lcafiero: lcafiero 'Larry Cafiero' larrycafiero@cruzio.com 02:04:40 <lcafiero> present and accounted for, sir. 02:04:49 <StabbyMc> and early no less! 02:05:01 <lcafiero> traffic laws, pffft. 02:05:19 <StabbyMc> #topic Fedora North America Ambassadors - Announcements 02:05:26 <StabbyMc> Anyone have any announcements to share? 02:06:28 <StabbyMc> #topic Fedora North America Ambassadors - Events 02:06:42 <StabbyMc> djf_jeff: how'd your radio bit go? 02:07:12 <djf_jeff> StabbyMc: I think it go pretty well, that was a fun experience 02:07:34 <StabbyMc> Is there a podcast or recording somewhere? 02:07:49 * StabbyMc would love to listen. 02:08:06 <vwbusguy> .fas vwbusguy 02:08:10 <zodbot> vwbusguy: vwbusguy 'Scott Williams' vwfoxguru@gmail.com 02:08:12 <djf_jeff> StabbyMc: yes, but only in french 02:08:28 <StabbyMc> boo. ;-) 02:08:43 <PhrkOnLsh> .fasi rrix 02:08:46 <StabbyMc> Is it posted to the Events page wiki? 02:08:50 <PhrkOnLsh> .fas rrix 02:08:51 <zodbot> PhrkOnLsh: rrix 'Ryan Rix' ry@n.rix.si 02:08:55 <djf_jeff> if anyone is interested : http://lavoixdulibre.info/ 02:08:58 <ke4qqq> djf_jeff: can you post a link to it for those who do speak french? 02:09:32 <djf_jeff> exactly at this page : http://www.lavoixdulibre.info/emissions/baladodiffusion.html 02:09:33 <StabbyMc> awesome djf_jeff :-) 02:09:37 * vwbusguy wonders if Google translate can do voice 02:10:03 <StabbyMc> anyone else got events stuff to report, or need help on? 02:10:12 <StabbyMc> The only big one I know coming up is Scale. 02:10:28 <ke4qqq> Events FAD is tentatively happening last week of Jan 02:10:43 <ke4qqq> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events_FAD_2010 02:11:02 <PhrkOnLsh> I'm going to camp kde in two weeks. hopefully i'll do some ambassador-ing :) 02:11:40 <VileGent> sorry for being late 02:11:44 <StabbyMc> PhrkOnLsh: is it on the Events page? 02:11:54 <PhrkOnLsh> nope, it's not. I will add it 02:12:24 <lcafiero> Announcement: Felton LUG on Saturday. F12 is the topic. yours truly is the speaker. 02:12:36 <lcafiero> no resources other than what I have are needed. 02:12:40 * lcafiero bows 02:13:16 <StabbyMc> lcafiero: how long have you been holding onto that one? 02:13:26 <vwbusguy> speaking of resources, where are we with media? 02:13:40 <vwbusguy> and by media, I mean f12 02:13:41 <lcafiero> A long time. I also have peninsula lug later this month -- bigger deal in the Silicon Valley. 02:13:48 <ke4qqq> vwbusguy: no change last I heard 02:13:52 <ke4qqq> spevack: ping 02:14:08 <lcafiero> I thought spevack said he couldn't make it tonight. 02:14:14 <LinuxCode> ke4qqq, max sent an email earlier saying he wouldnt be here 02:14:17 <StabbyMc> Was it in spevack's whole world update he sent out today? I neglected to read it. 02:14:35 <LinuxCode> StabbyMc, well, he put some important info in there for you guys 02:14:37 <ke4qqq> ahhh - missed that email 02:14:44 * LinuxCode isnt even a NA ambassador 02:14:47 * lcafiero saw it 02:14:58 <ke4qqq> StabbyMc: I don't recall seeing an update on NA media 02:14:59 <StabbyMc> LinuxCode: no doubt, I'm a slacker. 02:15:13 <lcafiero> there wasn't 02:15:44 <ke4qqq> by 'last I heard' I mean right before new years 02:15:48 <StabbyMc> Last I heard, RH hadn't paid $media-house; since they just came back from shutdown, I'm not surprised that there would be no change. 02:16:13 <vwbusguy> and we have no eta 02:16:15 <vwbusguy> ? 02:16:34 <StabbyMc> I suppose when Big Daddy RH opens the purse strings. 02:16:54 * vwbusguy sends his wife over 02:16:54 <ke4qqq> vwbusguy: none last I heard - StabbyMc has the right timeline 02:17:09 <vwbusguy> wait, that came out wrong 02:17:11 <StabbyMc> I've been talking with inode0 about things we could do to keep this from happening again, but I need to discuss with spevack. 02:17:19 <lcafiero> heh @ vwbusguy 02:17:57 <StabbyMc> Unfortunately RH Finance is a riddle wrapped in an enigma, encapsulated in a giant ball of fscked. 02:18:17 <vwbusguy> As far as SCaLE stuff, I have a list based on wiki and names given in chan, and I'll email everyone whose going with information as I get it 02:18:17 * etank writes that one down for later use 02:18:25 <cwtucker> +1 02:18:32 <vwbusguy> We are waiting for Max to approve budget 02:18:41 <ke4qqq> vwbusguy: huh? 02:18:46 <vwbusguy> and registration codes should be available for volunteers "within a few weeks" 02:18:51 <StabbyMc> #topic Fedora North America Ambassadors - Budget Review 02:18:55 <StabbyMc> Since we're already there ;-) 02:18:57 * lcafiero will talk budget in a minute 02:19:14 * vwbusguy notes he has to leave in 2 minutes 02:19:25 <StabbyMc> lcafiero/vwbusguy have at it. 02:19:31 <lcafiero> or whenever you all are ready. 02:19:34 <lcafiero> OK. 02:20:24 <lcafiero> Using the information I had on hand, I put up a budget on the SCALE 8x wiki 02:20:28 <lcafiero> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCaLE_8x_Event 02:20:58 <lcafiero> a provisional budget of $2700 02:21:07 <lcafiero> provisional because there are a couple of wildcards. 02:21:21 <ke4qqq> ? 02:21:47 * lcafiero yields to the Senator from Liberty. ke4qqq 02:21:49 <ke4qqq> can you tell us what you mean by SCaLE sponsorship - you mean sponsoring the conference itself? 02:22:08 * vwbusguy apologizes for leaving early, I'll try to meet up in chan after class. 02:22:22 <lcafiero> Unless we have $19,000, no. What I'm talking about is sponsoring at some level as we do in other events. 02:22:33 <ke4qqq> also - does the FAD need funding 02:22:53 <lcafiero> As far as the room goes, no. We have gotten the room on Friday. 02:23:03 <ke4qqq> food or other needs? 02:23:30 <lcafiero> If I could finish the first of a couple of financial wildcards. 02:23:37 <lcafiero> It might answer these questions. 02:23:48 <ke4qqq> ahhh, I apologize, please continue 02:23:57 <lcafiero> No apology necessary. 02:24:05 <lcafiero> I just don't type fast enough :-) 02:24:47 <lcafiero> The $1000 is arbitrary -- we can sponsor at a lower level and use the funds for other things that vwbusguy and I have forgotten to budget 02:24:52 <lcafiero> (mostly I forgot, but anyway) 02:25:27 <lcafiero> not to mention helping out with travel for those presenting 02:26:04 <lcafiero> Also, the second is that this is not final and needs tweaking and input from those attending and not would be welcome. 02:27:13 <lcafiero> So that's about it for the moment -- and as vwbusguy said I went over some procedural stuff with Max in an e-mail today to which I am awaiting an answer. 02:27:49 <lcafiero> Specifically, if -- and if so, how -- to perhaps utilize commarch funds. 02:27:56 <ke4qqq> who are the 4 rooms for - I only see three attendees listed 02:28:00 <lcafiero> Questions. 02:28:07 <lcafiero> Acutally, the list is not up to date. 02:28:46 <lcafiero> It's quaid, VileGent (didn't forget you this time), herlo, jds2001, me, stickster (possibly), 02:28:57 <lcafiero> and I think there may be someone I'm forgetting. 02:29:06 <lcafiero> you're going ke4qqq? 02:29:24 <ke4qqq> tentatively yes, but being funded externally 02:29:28 <lcafiero> Ah, got it. 02:30:59 <lcafiero> But again, this is not final, and the Q4 budget closes at the end of Feb. From what I can see of the NA budget, there's only been $3500 of $8000 spent, if memory serves. 02:32:03 <ke4qqq> casebadges and clings aren't in that budget list - and it's ~3800 iirc 02:32:09 <StabbyMc> Deduct another $800 from that... 02:32:12 <StabbyMc> for Clings 02:32:14 <inode0> plus t-shirts are supposed to be 02:32:15 <ke4qqq> but yeah - still should be able to accommodate that 02:32:22 <lcafiero> of those listed above, quaid, herlo, jds2001 and I are presenting, and stickster could keynote. 02:32:31 <lcafiero> could, he emphasizes. 02:32:56 <lcafiero> Hmmm. OK. Still it looks like we come under the wire. 02:33:04 * lcafiero thought that case badges were commarch expense. 02:33:13 <threethirty> ? 02:33:24 * threethirty is new, what is commarch 02:33:24 <lcafiero> threethirty, go. 02:33:28 <StabbyMc> Q4 budget has to last until the end of February... 02:33:29 <inode0> will be taken from each region's budget 02:33:33 <lcafiero> Oh, sorry. Community Architecture 02:33:36 <threethirty> ty 02:33:46 <ke4qqq> threethirty: it's a group within RHT that gives us money 02:33:47 <VileGent> lcafiero, and marketing is having a FAD in March in NC so they are going after $3k for that 02:33:56 <lcafiero> Right. It's january now and SCaLE is Feb. 19-22 02:34:00 <inode0> FADs aren't our budget 02:34:10 <ke4qqq> VileGent: that's a new quarter and generally fads are external to our budget 02:34:16 <VileGent> but it does come out of CA budget 02:35:08 <inode0> everything does in the end, I think when we say CA budget we mean "not our budget" :) 02:35:09 <ke4qqq> yes but we get little or no say so on what does or doesn't come out of CA budget - the important thing is have expenses planned well in advance 02:37:00 <lcafiero> Right, and again the sponsor amount is the linchpin here because it can be less. 02:37:22 <lcafiero> However, we should support those events that give us a venue to promote Fedora. 02:38:38 <lcafiero> Anyhow, I just wanted to put that out there for vetting by those who are more experienced in budget matters than I am 02:39:27 <StabbyMc> As long as we can still fill the swag coffers some, and Max approves it ... 02:39:50 <lcafiero> +1 02:40:42 <lcafiero> Unless there are any other question, I can yield the floor to the chair. 02:40:47 <lcafiero> question=questions 02:41:40 <StabbyMc> In other news, Clings should be ordered and paid this week; heads up inode0 ;-) 02:42:38 <etank> +1 on clings 02:42:49 <lcafiero> what etank said woo hoo! 02:42:57 <StabbyMc> Is dnhodgson here? 02:44:27 <StabbyMc> Any other budget stuff? 02:45:01 <StabbyMc> #topic Fedora North America Ambassadors - Open Floor 02:45:02 <PhrkOnLsh> well about that leftover funds... I could use a vacation. ;) 02:45:04 <jds2001> my flight is looking to be $270ish right now, any help appreciated :) 02:45:10 <StabbyMc> Ok, open floor :-) 02:45:29 <jds2001> but to get that, i have to stay sunday night and come back monday 02:45:38 <jds2001> sunday flights out are crazy expensive 02:46:03 <jds2001> like $299 vs. $129 - more than a hotel room 02:47:46 <lcafiero> OK, jds2001, we'll talk. 02:48:16 * lcafiero could use some guidance on travel expenses other than lodging. 02:50:44 * ke4qqq sees no difference in lodging and travel 02:51:45 <lcafiero> OK, that's a good point, ke4qqq 02:52:10 <threethirty> ke4qqq just doesnt want to sleep in his car 02:52:18 <ke4qqq> that said - I'd personally only feel comfortable paying for speakers or key fad members. - flying people all over the world to attend an event in and of itself isn't scalable. 02:52:24 <lcafiero> Oh, he won't threethirty 02:52:44 <ke4qqq> threethirty: they let me hang out in the lobby sofas last year :) 02:52:46 <lcafiero> Well, that's the kind of thing I'd like clarification on 02:52:51 <threethirty> ke4qqq: lol 02:52:52 <VileGent> jds2001, and i thought $300 for mine is cheap 02:53:20 <jds2001> JFK-LAX is always crazy cheap 02:53:31 <jds2001> was for me last year to go to SCaLE too. 02:53:53 <lcafiero> jds2001 is probably going to be presenting, too (hint hint) 02:54:01 <ke4qqq> lcafiero: ask away - though that opinion is what I'd personally submit budgets for- not a policy statement or anything 02:54:51 <lcafiero> Right, but I've only done two -- 2009 LFNW and 2009 OSCON -- and I think lodging was paid for but travel was a greyer area. 02:55:12 <lcafiero> travel meaning getting from point a to point b and back. 02:55:25 <jds2001> it's a "how critical is this person to the event" type measurement, IMHO 02:55:31 <lcafiero> OK 02:55:33 <ke4qqq> I don't see the costs really being different, from my perspective. 02:55:37 <ke4qqq> +1 jds2001 02:56:27 <lcafiero> For the sake of the open part of the meeting, can we take this discussion back to #fedora-ambassadors afterward? 02:56:37 <ke4qqq> yep 02:57:08 <StabbyMc> Any other open floor business? 02:57:47 <StabbyMc> Closing the meeting in 02:57:49 <StabbyMc> 5 02:57:50 <lcafiero> I missed ordering a shirt today, but will do so tomorrow. the white button shirt 02:57:57 * lcafiero sits down again 02:57:57 <StabbyMc> Yea! 02:57:59 <StabbyMc> 4 02:58:06 <StabbyMc> 3 02:58:14 <StabbyMc> 2 02:58:17 <StabbyMc> 1 02:58:22 <StabbyMc> #endmeeting