On 01/18/2012 02:08 PM, ambassadors-request@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:
Send ambassadors mailing list submissions to ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to ambassadors-request@lists.fedoraproject.org
You can reach the person managing the list at ambassadors-owner@lists.fedoraproject.org
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of ambassadors digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. Won't make it for the meetings today (again) (Christoph Wickert) 2. Re: Won't make it for the meetings today (again) (inode0) 3. Re: Won't make it for the meetings today (again) (Jiri Eischmann) 4. Second annual Northeast Linux fest (Jonathan Nadeau) 5. Re: [fedora-classroom] [fedora-india] A classroom session on VIM [APAC timezone] (Ankur Sinha) 6. Ambassadors meetings (was:Re: Won't make it for the meetings today (again)) (Christoph Wickert) 7. Re: Second annual Northeast Linux fest (mario juliano grande balletta) 8. Re: Second annual Northeast Linux fest (Jonathan Nadeau)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 17:19:23 +0100 From: Christoph Wickertchristoph.wickert@googlemail.com To: Fedora Ambassadorsambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Cc: Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee famsco@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: [Ambassadors] Won't make it for the meetings today (again) Message-ID:1326903565.1904.47.camel@denkermatic.localdomain Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I am still/again traveling, so I won't make it for today's meeting of * the EMEA ambassadors at 20:00 UTC * FAMSCo at 23:00 UTC
If somebody would take over hosting any of these, I'd highly appreciate it.
Sorry for the late notice, Christoph
Message: 2 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:25:27 -0600 From: inode0inode0@gmail.com To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Won't make it for the meetings today (again) Message-ID: CAAHfupkwKn5qXnGA_LTyjSoR9MVt03Z0=XDi=XVXRFYLnC5sow@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert@googlemail.com wrote:
I am still/again traveling, so I won't make it for today's meeting of * the EMEA ambassadors at 20:00 UTC * FAMSCo at 23:00 UTC
Just curious about the time of the FAmSCo meeting. After some recent past meetings I changed
to reflect the time when those meetings happened. Has the time been changed again or is the above a typo? Haven't recent meetings been at 22:00 UTC?
Thanks, John
Message: 3 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 17:41:35 +0100 From: Jiri Eischmanneischmann@redhat.com To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Won't make it for the meetings today (again) Message-ID:1326904895.2243.69.camel@dhcp-2-103.brq.redhat.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Christoph Wickert píše v St 18. 01. 2012 v 17:19 +0100:
I am still/again traveling, so I won't make it for today's meeting of * the EMEA ambassadors at 20:00 UTC * FAMSCo at 23:00 UTC
If somebody would take over hosting any of these, I'd highly appreciate it.
Sorry for the late notice, Christoph
-- ambassadors mailing list ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors
Is it really supposed to be this week? I thought it should have been the last week and since it's biweekly the next time is the next week. I'm sorry I won't probably make tonight because we have a RHEV-M release party tonight.
Message: 4 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:48:05 -0500 From: Jonathan Nadeaunortheastlinux@gmail.com To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: [Ambassadors] Second annual Northeast Linux fest Message-ID:4F16F7C5.2060006@gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hello list,
I was hoping that people from Fedora would like to come to the event and represent Fedora at the conference. If anyone would like to come you can have a free table. Just email to reserve the table. Thanks for your time and help.
Announcing the 2nd annual Northeast GNU/Linuxfest.
Where: Worcester State University, Worcester MA When: March 17, 2012 Info: http://northeastlinuxfest.org
Last year we had just speakers at the event. This year we are stepping it up considerably. We are featuring a hackerspace competition where teams from across the Northeast will compete for prizes for best design. This years theme is accessibility. We will also hold LPI and BSD exams on the morning of the event. The folks from Open Street Map will hold workshops throughout the day. We also have tables from various sponsors. Among the keynote speakers this year will be the other organizer for the event Jonathan Nadeau. Jonathan is blind but this has not prevented him from working with Debian, Fedora and Triquel in hopes of making each distribution more accessible for vision impaired or physically disabled. This is an event that can also be used to meet other people in the linux world and make new contacts. This is an all day event. All events will be held in the main student center. There is also a cafeteria on the second floor which features a $5 all you can eat buffet. Last but not least, if you are 21 or older we have our very popular after party event at Jillians. We also have arranged to get special room rates at the Worcester Marriott. You must reserve your room before February 17, 2012 to get this rate. You can either use the link off the Northeastlinuxfest website or you can make reservations over the phone but be sure to mention the Northeast Linuxfest group to get the rate. You can get to Worcester by train or bus if you do not have a ride. You can find that information on the website as well. We hope you can attend and most most important, the admission is free! The website again is http://northeastlinuxfest.org Take back control of your software, take back control of your computer!
Mario please get this on the event list and of course lets get the logistics worked out like for the event box and banners
Thx Ben!
I did email Jonathan before, some time before the FUDcon, to let him know I would be attending the event and had already registered. I am planning to offer live installations and support at the booth/table. I will be providing SWAG and also hoping to acquire booth equipment to polish up the presentation of the area we will be using as space.
I am planning to provide multimedia equipment so that we can have some touch screen activity, internet access and also feature fedora marketing. I will try to have as many slide decks available as possible to keep the variety.
I am extremely familiar with the city of Worcester, and know it VERY well. It is only 45 minutes from Providence and thus I have close personal friends (from Harvard and MIT) in the area and some families too.
It should be a fun event and I feel better prepared to make it organized and successful and really grab as much attention for fedora as I can and hopefully convert many laptops on the side.
Quick question, can I have fedora business cards printed up? I would like to have something to hand out for contact information, especially to any business people who attend.
Let me know please! Thx alot!
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Ben Williams jbwillia@math.vt.edu wrote:
On 01/18/2012 02:08 PM, ambassadors-request@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:
Send ambassadors mailing list submissions to ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to ambassadors-request@lists.fedoraproject.org
You can reach the person managing the list at ambassadors-owner@lists.fedoraproject.org
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of ambassadors digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. Won't make it for the meetings today (again) (Christoph Wickert) 2. Re: Won't make it for the meetings today (again) (inode0) 3. Re: Won't make it for the meetings today (again) (Jiri Eischmann) 4. Second annual Northeast Linux fest (Jonathan Nadeau) 5. Re: [fedora-classroom] [fedora-india] A classroom session on VIM [APAC timezone] (Ankur Sinha) 6. Ambassadors meetings (was:Re: Won't make it for the meetings today (again)) (Christoph Wickert) 7. Re: Second annual Northeast Linux fest (mario juliano grande balletta) 8. Re: Second annual Northeast Linux fest (Jonathan Nadeau)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 17:19:23 +0100 From: Christoph Wickertchristoph.wickert@googlemail.com To: Fedora Ambassadorsambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Cc: Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee famsco@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: [Ambassadors] Won't make it for the meetings today (again) Message-ID:1326903565.1904.47.camel@denkermatic.localdomain Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I am still/again traveling, so I won't make it for today's meeting of * the EMEA ambassadors at 20:00 UTC * FAMSCo at 23:00 UTC
If somebody would take over hosting any of these, I'd highly appreciate it.
Sorry for the late notice, Christoph
Message: 2 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:25:27 -0600 From: inode0inode0@gmail.com To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Won't make it for the meetings today (again) Message-ID:
CAAHfupkwKn5qXnGA_LTyjSoR9MVt03Z0=XDi=XVXRFYLnC5sow@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert@googlemail.com wrote:
I am still/again traveling, so I won't make it for today's meeting of * the EMEA ambassadors at 20:00 UTC * FAMSCo at 23:00 UTC
Just curious about the time of the FAmSCo meeting. After some recent past meetings I changed
to reflect the time when those meetings happened. Has the time been changed again or is the above a typo? Haven't recent meetings been at 22:00 UTC?
Thanks, John
Message: 3 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 17:41:35 +0100 From: Jiri Eischmanneischmann@redhat.com To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Won't make it for the meetings today (again) Message-ID:1326904895.2243.69.camel@dhcp-2-103.brq.redhat.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Christoph Wickert píše v St 18. 01. 2012 v 17:19 +0100:
I am still/again traveling, so I won't make it for today's meeting of * the EMEA ambassadors at 20:00 UTC * FAMSCo at 23:00 UTC
If somebody would take over hosting any of these, I'd highly appreciate it.
Sorry for the late notice, Christoph
-- ambassadors mailing list ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors
Is it really supposed to be this week? I thought it should have been the last week and since it's biweekly the next time is the next week. I'm sorry I won't probably make tonight because we have a RHEV-M release party tonight.
Message: 4 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:48:05 -0500 From: Jonathan Nadeaunortheastlinux@gmail.com To: ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: [Ambassadors] Second annual Northeast Linux fest Message-ID:4F16F7C5.2060006@gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hello list,
I was hoping that people from Fedora would like to come to the event and represent Fedora at the conference. If anyone would like to come you can have a free table. Just email to reserve the table. Thanks for your time and help.
Announcing the 2nd annual Northeast GNU/Linuxfest.
Where: Worcester State University, Worcester MA When: March 17, 2012 Info: http://northeastlinuxfest.org
Last year we had just speakers at the event. This year we are stepping it up considerably. We are featuring a hackerspace competition where teams from across the Northeast will compete for prizes for best design. This years theme is accessibility. We will also hold LPI and BSD exams on the morning of the event. The folks from Open Street Map will hold workshops throughout the day. We also have tables from various sponsors. Among the keynote speakers this year will be the other organizer for the event Jonathan Nadeau. Jonathan is blind but this has not prevented him from working with Debian, Fedora and Triquel in hopes of making each distribution more accessible for vision impaired or physically disabled. This is an event that can also be used to meet other people in the linux world and make new contacts. This is an all day event. All events will be held in the main student center. There is also a cafeteria on the second floor which features a $5 all you can eat buffet. Last but not least, if you are 21 or older we have our very popular after party event at Jillians. We also have arranged to get special room rates at the Worcester Marriott. You must reserve your room before February 17, 2012 to get this rate. You can either use the link off the Northeastlinuxfest website or you can make reservations over the phone but be sure to mention the Northeast Linuxfest group to get the rate. You can get to Worcester by train or bus if you do not have a ride. You can find that information on the website as well. We hope you can attend and most most important, the admission is free! The website again is http://northeastlinuxfest.org Take back control of your software, take back control of your computer!
Mario please get this on the event list and of course lets get the logistics worked out like for the event box and banners
-- ambassadors mailing list ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors