Hey everyone!
I wanted to share a resource with all Ambassadors about how to get shoutouts / pictures / other things out onto official Fedora social media accounts! As a reminder, there are a few official places for Fedora, and it's possible for you to get your event(s) promoted on there too!
Firstly, the official places you can find Fedora are:
* Facebook: facebook.com/TheFedoraProject * Twitter: twitter.com/fedora * Google+: plus.google.com/+Fedora * Instagram: instagram.com/thefedoraproject * Telegram: telegram.me/fedoranews * Reddit: reddit.com/r/Fedora
The above is taken from this wiki page:
If you want extra highlighting or spreading the word of something you are planning to do or are doing, please feel free to subscribe to the social-media mailing list! Most (if not all) of the social media account admins are on this mailing list. You can send pictures and a quick snippet of what you're doing, and we can spread the word with a quick post.
It's a fairly low-traffic mailing list, so you shouldn't notice any significant increase in your inbox.
Thanks everyone! :)