Start End Name Thu 02-Sep Thu 02-Sep Call From FAmSCo and Regional teams for Preparation of Media/SWAG Thu 02-Sep Thu 09-Sep Ambassador Wide Meetings Preparing For Fedora 14 Fri 03-Sep Fri 10-Sep Submit Funding Request For Swag/Media Production Fri 03-Sep Fri 10-Sep Regional Team Meetings and Select POC for Swag/Media production Mon 13-Sep Mon 27-Sep Coordinate Media/Swag/Poster artwork with Design team Thu 16-Sep Thu 16-Sep Call from FAmSCo and Regional Teams for Release Events Thu 16-Sep Thu 30-Sep Plan Regional Logistics for Release Events & File Budget Requests
Have you found something that is working really well in your schedule? Or maybe you've found something you believe would work better in the future?
Update the schedule retrospective page now to capture all of the important details as they happen: