Due to some technical and organizational difficulties we are going to delay the publishing of interviews to December 12th, 2017. Interviews with candidates which are ready to be published are going to be scheduled for December 12th. I am going to work with the remaining candidates on their interviews to make sure we have these ready by December 11th COB.
More information is available in Council ticket [1].
[1] https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/153
Regards, Jan
Sorry for me that is a bad joke to postbone the interviews and in the same time open the voting period
br gnokii
Am 05.12.2017 um 07:08 schrieb Jan Kurik:
Due to some technical and organizational difficulties we are going to delay the publishing of interviews to December 12th, 2017. Interviews with candidates which are ready to be published are going to be scheduled for December 12th. I am going to work with the remaining candidates on their interviews to make sure we have these ready by December 11th COB.
More information is available in Council ticket [1].
[1] https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/153
Regards, Jan
On 12/04/2017 08:52 PM, S.Kemter wrote:
Sorry for me that is a bad joke to postbone the interviews and in the same time open the voting period
Hi Sirko,
We spent a lot of time to come up with the best way to handle this situation. We decided to try something new this election cycle but maybe it didn't work. We're open to suggestions or ways to improve on the election cycle. Constructive feedback is welcome in these tickets:
You're also welcome to file a new one if you have an idea or proposal.
On Tuesday, 05 December 2017 at 02:52, S.Kemter wrote:
Sorry for me that is a bad joke to postbone the interviews and in the same time open the voting period
Seconded. It should definitely be in-line with the delay of the voting period start. I find it worrying that we have issues with the FESCo elections second time in a row. Summer elections were also a mess.
Regards, Dominik (FESCo Nominee)