*Hi all Ambassador and Council around the world!*
My name is Pablo Barrera Franco, from Argentina, and I am starting this Ambassador Path. I worked with Linux since 2000 and I travel around Argentina spreading FOSS concepts since 2002. We are starting with the help of some Red Hat LA executives some actions to create Fedora Users Group in Buenos Aires.
I hope be useful for the main objetive, and feel free to contact me. I am always ready to travel around the world to spread our loved Platform. I will go to FISL7 in Brazil next April to contact Brazilian Fedora Community and learn from their work.
I give support in some IRC community channels at Buenos Aires Night 23Pm-02AM (GTM -3) for Linux newbies...
My Mails pablo@barrerafranco.com.ar for Open Source affairs pablo@inflexia.com.ar for Fedora Affairs pablo.barrera@jabber.org for IM contact p.barrera for Skype
Waiting for your feedback send U greetings from the most southern country in the World. *PabloBarrera* Fedora Ambassador "Apprentice"
On Sat, 04 Feb 2006 02:31:04 -0300, Pablo Barrera Franco [Fedora Ambassador] wrote
*Hi all Ambassador and Council around the world!*
My name is Pablo Barrera Franco, from Argentina, and I am starting this Ambassador Path. I worked with Linux since 2000 and I travel around Argentina spreading FOSS concepts since 2002. We are starting with the help of some Red Hat LA executives some actions to create Fedora Users Group in Buenos Aires.
Welcome to Fedora Ambassadors Program!
First, please add a profile in your wiki page if you haven't: * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AmbassdorName
If you need Fedora email aliases and business cards, please visit following resources: * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Emails * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/BusinessCards
Also please read past meeting minutes to catch up when you have a chance: * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings
-- Thomas Chung http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ThomasChung