(3) Planning continues for the
This FAD is not meant to be the place where specific events are planned, but rather it's an opportunity to make sure that all the processes around events, budget, reimbursements, etc. are clear and up to date, for all regions of the world. At least, that's my goal for the event. Mel Chua is leading the organization of this event. Remote participation will definitely be possible via IRC and gobby, and I think that Ambassadors all over the world will be interested in the results.
Just a quick update on this : we have quick planning meetings (the last one took 10 minutes) on IRC in #fudcon-planning from 1700-1800 UTC (noon-1pm EST) on Mondays and 2100-2200 UTC (4-5pm EST) on Thursdays (our old FUDCon organizers meeting time).
It's at the end of the month (starts 1/29) so if you're interested in attending either in-person or remotely, we need to know ASAP - ping the https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fudcon-planning list if you're interested. I'm guessing it'll be particularly helpful to have remote Ambassadors coming in to test and give feedback on the last day (Sunday) of the sprint - you folks are the experts on Events, after all.