Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-02-03/fedora/meeting.20...
Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-02-03/fedora-meeting.20...
Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-02-03/fedora-meeting.20...
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01:59:15 <VileGent> #startmeetingFAmNA 20100202 01:59:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 3 01:59:15 2010 UTC. The chair is VileGent. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:59:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:59:35 <VileGent> #topic-Agenda 01:59:52 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Ambassadors_2010-2-2#Agenda 02:00:12 <makfinsky> .fas makfinsky 02:00:13 <zodbot> makfinsky: makfinsky ''ivan.makfinsky@endosys.com 02:00:15 <Arsenick> .fas Arsenick 02:00:17 <zodbot> Arsenick: arsenick 'René Jr Purcell'rene.purcell@gmail.com 02:00:20 <VileGent> #topicAnnouncements 02:00:33 <threethirty> .fas threethirty 02:00:35 <zodbot> threethirty: threethirty 'Justin O'Brien'three@threethirty.us 02:00:52 <VileGent> Welcome all to the 2010 FAmNA meeting 02:00:55 <inode0> haha 02:00:57 <crossbytes> .fas crossbytes 02:00:58 <zodbot> crossbytes: crossbytes 'Kevin Higgins'Kevin@crossbytes.org 02:01:27 <VileGent> #topicAnnouncements - Travel Subsidies 02:01:36 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees 02:02:04 <inode0> I just wanted everyone to be aware of this new wiki page. A bit long but worth reading. 02:02:08 <VileGent> inode0 do you or someone else what to discuss this 02:02:18 <djf_jeff> .fas jfsaucier 02:02:19 <zodbot> djf_jeff: jfsaucier 'Jean-Francois Saucier'jfsaucier@infoglobe.ca 02:02:34 <inode0> A tiny bit of the work done at the FAD last weekend ... 02:03:04 <inode0> We should be sure to frame our future requests with that in mind 02:03:09 <VileGent> I plan on keeping things moving so if i get to fast slow me down 02:03:16 <inode0> go 02:03:23 <VileGent> topic Announcements - FAmSCo Changes 02:03:30 <spevack> I was in the wrong room 02:03:34 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee 02:03:45 <spevack> .fas mspvack 02:03:46 <zodbot> spevack: 'mspvack' Not Found! 02:03:50 <spevack> .fas mspevack 02:03:52 <zodbot> spevack: mspevack 'Max Spevack'mspevack@redhat.com 02:04:02 <spevack> I was thinking "why did everyone stop talking?" :P 02:04:07 <inode0> spevack may want to say more but I just wanted to point out that FAmSCo has made some big changes 02:04:23 <inode0> in the way they are interacting with us and sharing their work 02:05:01 <VileGent> 3 02:05:02 <VileGent> 2 02:05:03 <VileGent> 1 02:05:05 <inode0> monthly reports loaded with great information, townhalls, etc. 02:05:10 <VileGent> #topicAnnouncements -FAmSCo Townhall 02:05:11 <VileGent> #linkhttp://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-February/013590.ht... 02:05:27 <spevack> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2010-01 02:05:44 <spevack> I'll say a few things, quickly. 02:05:48 <inode0> It is our job to help make these initiatives worth their effort, so let's try to attend if we can. 02:06:08 <VileGent> please spevack 02:06:25 <spevack> First off, we had a really good FAD this past weekend, and the two action items that are important out of it in particular for NA are the "new" sponsorship page, that inode0 already mentioned 02:06:40 <spevack> I say "new" in quotes because I think it's just a formalization of a lot of habits and practices that were already happening. 02:06:54 <spevack> but there's probably some actually new stuff in there that may not have been thought of before. 02:07:14 <spevack> The second is that we did a lot of work to make FUDCon itself something that can have greater regional ownership 02:07:33 <spevack> The impetus for this was that as FUDCon has grown from a once-a-year thing to a 3-or-4-times a year all over the world 02:07:44 <spevack> it has required us to tap local help in getting fudcons organized anyway 02:07:58 <spevack> and it's best to just acknowledge that having local people wh ocare about fudcon being successful 02:08:02 <spevack> makes it a better fudcon ANYWAY 02:08:06 <spevack> and to instututionalize and formalize that. 02:08:29 <spevack> So I think that *at the latest* we'll want to start talking about the next NA fudcon, and trying out the process, at the NA Ambassador FAD in May in Iowa 02:08:33 <spevack> that's all for me right now 02:08:53 <VileGent> anyone else have any questions? 02:09:11 <VileGent> #topicAnnounements - Campus Ambassadors Meeting 02:09:11 <VileGent> #linkhttp://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-February/013587.ht... 02:09:27 <VileGent> inode0 lcafiero ?? 02:09:57 <inode0> If you are interested please join me and lcafiero to get the Campus Ambassador program off the ground 02:10:41 <inode0> just a reminder 02:10:43 <VileGent> 3 02:10:55 <VileGent> 2 02:10:57 <VileGent> 1 02:10:58 <VileGent> #topicEvents 02:11:12 <VileGent> #topicEvents - RPI Event 02:11:12 <VileGent> #linkhttp://www.cs.rpi.edu/~moorthy/rcos/talksfall2009 02:11:19 <inode0> mizmo: right on queue :) 02:11:40 <inode0> stumbles into her first FAmNA meeting with perfect timing 02:11:49 <VileGent> mizmo, since i saw you sneak in would you say a couple of words on your talk 02:11:50 <mizmo> lol 02:12:00 <mizmo> my talk at RPI? 02:12:23 <VileGent> yes please 02:12:55 <mizmo> so here's the synopsis 02:12:56 <mizmo> How to get involved in an open source Linux operating system: Fedora 02:12:56 <mizmo> Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as an open community that welcomes anyone to join. Mairin Duffy, an RPI CS alum from Red Hat, will talk about what makes Fedora different from other Linux-based operating systems and how you can get involved in Fedora. 02:13:12 <mizmo> practically, my plan is to talk a little bit about what makes fedora different than other distros 02:13:21 <mizmo> i'll talk about the commitment to freedom, working upstream, and technology 02:13:46 <mizmo> and then ill go over the various areas of the project - all the sigs and the different ways you can contribute, and talk a bit about the types of projects that happen 02:13:46 <spevack> mizmo: do you have all your notes? Do you want my notes for the "general Fedora talk built around the 4 foundations?" 02:14:01 <mizmo> spevack: i only have a rough outline, i haven't done the slides yet - i would love to see your notes 02:14:31 <spevack> mizmo: sure 02:14:49 <mizmo> yay! duffy@fedoraproject.org :) 02:15:03 <VileGent> #actionspevack to get mizmo his notes on the 4 foundations general talk 02:15:23 <VileGent> thanks both 02:15:37 <VileGent> and thing else for this event 02:15:59 <inode0> she is going to chalk up the campus on the way out of town :) 02:16:14 <makfinsky> Does she have enough chaulk? 02:16:14 <VileGent> We sent some swag for this event as well correct? 02:16:54 <VileGent> makfinsky, always 02:17:05 <makfinsky> :) 02:17:14 <mizmo> VileGent: yep inode0 hooked me up with plenty of swag 02:17:27 <mizmo> im going to be on campus tomorrow at the campus career fair with flyers I designed to try to get more folks to come 02:17:37 <mizmo> i printed out a couple of FEL flyers too since there's a lot of electrical engineers at RPI 02:17:54 <makfinsky> Forgive me... FEL? 02:17:58 <spevack> awesome, Mo 02:18:15 <VileGent> makfinsky, Fedora Electronics spin 02:18:31 <makfinsky> Interesting, thanks VileGent. 02:18:51 <VileGent> anything else for this event? 02:18:59 <VileGent> 3 02:19:04 <VileGent> 2 02:19:05 <inode0> not until the blogging 02:19:11 <VileGent> 1 02:19:14 <VileGent> #topicEvents - Texas Linux Fest 02:19:15 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Texas:LinuxFest_2010 02:19:28 <inode0> wait, this isn't the agenda order 02:19:45 <VileGent> man i am going to put on the brakes or you guys need to start talking 02:19:56 <inode0> ok, collier_s? 02:20:06 <VileGent> inode0, i was asked to move one remember 02:20:21 <collier_s> inode0, yup 02:20:24 <inode0> VileGent: I moved up schmoocon but it can wait 02:20:43 <collier_s> inode0, i just saw the shipment arrived in Austin at 8:04PM 02:20:47 <inode0> update on TLF? 02:21:22 <inode0> I sent media and a variety of swag down early. Still need to send shirts when those arrive. 02:21:40 <inode0> and maybe some of the other new stuff 02:22:14 <inode0> CFP ends on the 15th - so you can still submit talk proposals 02:22:29 <inode0> and if you are going please do 02:22:29 <collier_s> inode0, did you confirm sponsorship for the event? 02:22:45 <spevack> i just need to know where to send the money 02:22:54 <inode0> I believe that is set on our end, we'll figure out the rest. 02:23:18 <VileGent> #actionspevack need info on sending sponsorship for Texas Linuxfest 02:23:36 <inode0> spevack should have mail from Nate Willis 02:23:53* spevack considers attending TLF 02:23:56* spevack thinks 02:24:03 <inode0> do it 02:24:06 <collier_s> inode0, is there anything else i need to do to prep? 02:24:11* VileGent wants to be it is very doubtful 02:24:24 <collier_s> come in a day early to set up, etc.? 02:24:55 <inode0> assuming I come I'll come a day early 02:25:09 <inode0> and maybe stay a day after 02:25:13* spevack will submit a talk 02:25:17 <spevack> if it's accepted, i'll go :P 02:25:30 <inode0> pick a different topic than mine please :) 02:25:30 <spevack> april 10 is a good weekend 02:25:34 <spevack> inode0: what's yours 02:25:41 <spevack> what are we already submitting? 02:25:45 <VileGent> collier_s, you have a new ambassador in that area as well so please use him 02:25:50 <inode0> The Fedora Project - The Community behind the Distribution 02:26:07 <collier_s> VileGent, ok 02:26:13 <spevack> inode0: i'll stay far away from that topic 02:27:30 <inode0> collier_s: since time is short we will need to get info about hotels and such, but that can be done later 02:27:50 <inode0> looks like on is within easy walking distance 02:28:04 <jetrigger> I need to gather information on this as well.. 02:28:25* spevack has emailed mizmo his notes and emailed TLF about paying the $500 sponsorship 02:28:37 <spevack> best to have me just do my Action Items in the meeting :) 02:28:54 <VileGent> #chairVileGent spevack 02:28:55 <collier_s> inode0, ok, i can grab some hotel info and post it on the wiki page 02:28:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: VileGent spevack 02:29:59 <VileGent> #actionspevack notes sent to mizmo 02:30:31 <VileGent> #actionspevack emailed TLF about sponsorship complete 02:30:57* inode0 steps away briefly 02:31:25 <VileGent> #actioncollier_s will gather and place info about hotels on the wiki 02:31:29* lcafiero slips quietly into the back of the room and sits down 02:31:39 <VileGent> just in time lcafiero 02:31:53 <VileGent> anything else on TLF 02:32:17 <VileGent> 3 02:32:19 <VileGent> 2 02:32:21 <VileGent> 1 02:32:24 <VileGent> #topicEvents - SCaLE 02:32:25 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCaLE_8x_Event 02:32:42 <VileGent> lcafiero, vwbusguy status please 02:33:04 <lcafiero> I suspect vwbusguy is out celebrating his birthday 02:33:25 <lcafiero> Anyway, SCALE -- Feb. 19-21 in Los Angeles. 02:34:13 <lcafiero> If you're going and haven't signed up, go to the wiki and do so -- if you go to http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors and go down to the bottom where the Events link is and find SCALE, you'll get there 02:34:16 <lcafiero> Anyway 02:34:50 <lcafiero> We have quaid giving the keynote on Saturday 02:35:12 <lcafiero> And a FAD on Friday, which has yet to be determined, and we're looking for ideas as we run out of time. 02:35:29* VileGent points up to the wiki page link for lcafiero 02:36:06 <lcafiero> Off the top of my head, attendees are: quaid, herlo, VileGent -- thank you, VileGent -- vwbusguy and me. 02:36:06 <spevack> lcafiero: are you looking for a user-centric FAD, a very fedora-centric fad, etc? 02:36:49 <lcafiero> I thought we might do something F13 related -- pick something development related and work on it -- while giving something for those attending to contribute to the new release 02:36:52 <lcafiero> But that's me. 02:36:58 <lcafiero> I'm wide open to suggestions. 02:37:39 <lcafiero> The FAD is friday in the Kennedy room, which is the same one as last year. We might have a Fedora talk at the beginning and end. 02:37:40 <crossbytes> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SIP_Witch_Domain_Telephony just a suggestion 02:37:43 <spevack> What about Zikula/Fedora Insight? 02:37:51 <spevack> mchua_afk would be all over that 02:38:11 <spevack> or have a FAD/open-to-all hackfest around Karsten's "The open Source Way" stuff 02:38:14 <spevack> or Summer of code 02:38:17 <spevack> quaid: ^^^^ 02:38:19 <lcafiero> That sounds fine to me. I'm really not married to anything 02:38:29 <lcafiero> or anybody. 02:38:32 <lcafiero> no, wait . . . 02:38:42 <lcafiero> But it's something we should probably decide soon 02:39:56 <lcafiero> We seem to have a fixed number on hotel rooms and I think we'll probably come in way under budget on that. There's a revised scale budget at that site that VileGent pointed out earlier 02:40:31 <lcafiero> It looks like I'm staying as SCALE staff, freeing up that much for Fedora 02:40:45* lcafiero is the publicity co-chair for SCALE 02:40:59 <lcafiero> Um, let's see. That's about it. 02:41:17 <lcafiero> I think vwbusguy sent out the code to those attending to go to the FAD and/or work the booth. 02:41:24 <spevack> lcafiero: so, who's going to make the decision about the FAD? 02:41:44 <lcafiero> Um, good question. 02:41:49 <VileGent> yes code has been sent out 02:41:51 <lcafiero> I can, but that would be dictatorial of me 02:42:07 <lcafiero> But I thought the group could -- especially those attending. 02:42:20 <lcafiero> (oh, also ke4qqq is attending, I think) 02:42:44 <lcafiero> I'd be glad to center it around Fedora Insight/Zikula 02:43:07 <spevack> lcafiero: i shall write up some ideas for the larger public, and see what kind of support any of them get. 02:43:21 <lcafiero> That would be great. 02:43:36* spevack starts a blog post 02:43:52 <lcafiero> Also, there's going to be a try-it booth where we'll have F12 -- will any manifestation of F13 be ready by Feb. 19, does anyone know? 02:44:11 <lcafiero> Ubuntu is going to have whatever their next animal is. 02:44:22 <lcafiero> So I'm just checking to see 02:45:00 <VileGent> i am planning on possible having a f12 re-spin as well 02:45:13 <lcafiero> Oh, right -- that would be great for the try-it booth 02:45:18 <inode0> alpha freeze is 2/16, but release will follow SCaLE 02:45:20 <lcafiero> Along with F12, of course. 02:45:28 <lcafiero> OK, then never mind. 02:45:32 <lcafiero> re alpha 02:45:40 <lcafiero> that is. 02:46:36 <lcafiero> I think that's it for me, as if that's not enough, so if anyone has any questions . . . . 02:47:24 <VileGent> next?? 02:47:33 <lcafiero> Hearing none, thanks for staying awake 02:47:42 <VileGent> #topic- Shmoocon 02:47:42 <VileGent> #linkhttp://www.shmoocon.org/ 02:47:55 <inode0> makfinsky: still with us? 02:47:58 <makfinsky> I will be attending Shmoocon this weekend. 02:48:05 <makfinsky> Here. Not so fast at the typing. 02:48:22 <makfinsky> I have swag - cd's, buttons, case badges, etc. 02:48:35 <makfinsky> Did not know if I could go so no booth. 02:48:53 <inode0> walking the floor is swag is becoming fashionable 02:48:57 <makfinsky> Anyone that will be there and interested in handing out stuff, talking up fedora, please let me know. 02:48:58 <VileGent> cool table in a backpack 02:48:59 <inode0> with swag 02:49:23 <makfinsky> Also, anyone with demo's or cool stories of how to use Fedora for security let me know. 02:50:17 <VileGent> makfinsky, there is a fedora security spin 02:50:39 <inode0> yeah, maxamillion might have something for you on that topic 02:50:42 <makfinsky> Shmoocon, for those that don't know, is the East coast IT security conference. Kinda hackerish, with more emphasis on actual work, rather than say defcon, which has more emphasis on... partying? 02:50:53 <makfinsky> Ah, excellent! 02:51:32 <makfinsky> I'll be there on Sat and Sunday, can't make Friday's opening. 02:52:18 <lcafiero> Some of the topics sound pretty interesting 02:52:52 <makfinsky> I honestly haven't had a chance to review the topics. 02:53:40 <spevack> lcafiero: http://spevack.livejournal.com/98143.html 02:53:47* spevack sends that to a list or two, also 02:54:07 <makfinsky> That's it for shmoocon. 02:54:43 <lcafiero> spevack: excellent -- much better than a call on the list, which is what I was going to do. 02:54:53 <lcafiero> maybe I'll just point people to the bloc 02:54:58 <lcafiero> bloc=blog 02:55:20 <VileGent> makfinsky, please blog as much as possible 02:55:26 <VileGent> moving on 02:55:29 <VileGent> #topicEvents - Fedora Ambassador Day Proposal 02:55:29 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_NA_2010 02:56:19 <inode0> Having not heard any alternative suggestions I will begin firming up facilities 02:56:59 <inode0> And creating an initial agenda which we can tweak in the coming weeks 02:57:31 <inode0> If you are interested, don't be bashful about signing up 02:57:46 <inode0> This is our opportunity to plan for the coming year 02:59:02 <VileGent> anything else for this event for now ? 02:59:10 <inode0> not from me 02:59:22 <VileGent> #topic- Events - Other 02:59:23 <jetrigger> inode0: how is the weather in iowa in late may? 02:59:35 <inode0> weather is nice in May 02:59:56 <VileGent> in later is tornado weather 03:00:02 <VileGent> any later that is 03:00:04 <jetrigger> ok count me in 03:00:06 <lcafiero> heh 03:00:17 <inode0> tornados are cool, and we have a cool tornado simulator on campus :) 03:00:38 <jetrigger> get enough tornados here in north texas.. ill pass on visiting other state sponsored tornados 03:00:39 <VileGent> Any one else have any other events in the next couple of months 03:00:43 <lcafiero> I have an item for brief discussion, at least by my standards 03:01:00 <lcafiero> Did you guys discuss swag earlier? 03:01:10 <VileGent> lcafiero, coming up soon 03:01:14 <inode0> we do have budget stuff remaining to quickly go through 03:01:20 <lcafiero> Oh, sorry. 03:01:20 <inode0> including swag 03:01:36 <VileGent> any other events to cover tonight??? 03:01:36 <lcafiero> I thought "other" was the end of the meeting omnibus discussion 03:01:55 <lcafiero> Linux Fest Northwest in April -- more to follow at later meetings :-) 03:02:14 <VileGent> #topicBudget Review 03:02:15 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget 03:02:22* spevack perks up 03:02:27 <lcafiero> heh 03:02:41 <inode0> let me summarize where things are now 03:02:48 <VileGent> #linkhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee/Budget 03:02:52 <inode0> clings were ordered and StabbyMc has them 03:03:07 <VileGent> inode0, hold on the swag please 03:03:07 <StabbyMc> they are mine, all mine! 03:03:23 <VileGent> #topicBudget Review - Swag 03:03:25 <VileGent> ok 03:03:28 <inode0> the 3" logo laptop stickers have also been ordered 03:03:44 <inode0> eta unknown but how long can it take? :) 03:03:45 <StabbyMc> well, I'm working on it, had some art issues, but it'll be done this week. 03:03:58 <StabbyMc> Likely 1-2 weeks. 03:04:06 <VileGent> #actionWindow Clings (in stock) 03:04:06 <VileGent> #action3" Logo Stickers (ordered 3000) by StabbyMc 03:04:06 <VileGent> #actiont-shirts (quote pending) 03:04:23 <inode0> DemonJestor is waiting on a quote for the t-shirts, that hasn't changed since I put it on the agenda 03:04:54 <VileGent> #actionDemonJestor is waiting on a quote for the t-shirts 03:05:02 <inode0> Finally the event box for Canada is being taken care of now 03:05:21 <VileGent> #topicUnfinished Business Event Box for CA 03:05:24 <inode0> question? 03:05:25 <lcafiero> +1, eh? 03:05:46 <inode0> spevack: should we have a list or are we good? 03:06:12 <Arsenick> Yup, I'll try to contact a local supplier tomorow, if It's not working I'll contact spevack to see how it work for ordering 03:06:15 <spevack> I'm assuming we won't get tshirts ordered before mid-Feb. 03:06:26 <inode0> I'm not sure 03:06:35 <spevack> But let's be honest -- especially given the lack of spending in other regions, we're sitting on extra budget. 03:06:43 <inode0> We should have the quote before then 03:06:47 <spevack> This is as good a time as any to replenish stickers, buttons, whatever. 03:07:00 <spevack> and it seems like we're doing that 03:07:18 <inode0> we are generally out of buttons 03:07:25 <VileGent> #actionArsenick arrange with Max to order Pelican 1610 box 03:07:32 <inode0> I think everything else we are pretty good on?! 03:07:51 <VileGent> open floor? 03:07:56 <lcafiero> one more budget item to spevack 03:08:51 <spevack> what is it? 03:09:15 <lcafiero> did you talk to ilan rabinovitch at SCALE? he said he'd contact you. I don't think they're expecting Fedora to sponsor since red hat apparently already did. 03:09:30 <lcafiero> so that money earmarked in the SCALE budget may not be necessary. 03:09:34 <spevack> oh 03:09:42 <lcafiero> I bring it up because it looks like NA is over $8K 03:09:48 <lcafiero> for the quarter 03:09:48* spevack searches his inbox for that name 03:09:56 <lcafiero> at least on the wiki 03:10:28 <spevack> no emails from ilan 03:10:33 <lcafiero> Hmmm. OK 03:10:38 <spevack> but if we don't need a general sponsorship for SCALE from Fedora, then that's fine. 03:10:48 <lcafiero> Right, thought that might help. 03:11:08 <inode0> I'll try to get a button quote this week then since that doesn't sound like it will be a problem. 03:11:11* quaid pokes his head in and TURNS ON HIS CAPS LOCK 03:11:13 <quaid> HELLO 03:11:18 <lcafiero> And as a general principle, I think we should sponsor events 03:11:20 <quaid> sorry ... open questions for me? 03:11:36 <lcafiero> What is the capital of Alberta? 03:11:43 <VileGent> #topicopen floor 03:11:43 <quaid> Canada? 03:11:51 <lcafiero> Heh. Just kidding, quaid 03:12:14 <VileGent> since we are going there fast 03:12:18 <quaid> The answer is ... Quebec! 03:12:23 <lcafiero> Mon dieu 03:12:24 <Arsenick> it's edmonton 03:12:32 <Arsenick> !! 03:12:37 <quaid> ok, I'll weigh in about the FAD ... 03:12:39 <lcafiero> Thanks, Arsenick 03:12:42 <inode0> ooh, see what happens when Canadians are here 03:12:42 <Arsenick> lol.. 03:12:45 <makfinsky> Ambassador polos... The emea folks have nice ones. 03:13:02 <makfinsky> Has anyone done any batch ordering here in NA? 03:13:02 <lcafiero> We have nice button down shirts that are better 03:13:18 <inode0> we have nice polos too 03:13:20 <VileGent> and you can order an ambassador polo 03:13:24 <StabbyMc> makfinsky: there is a NA polo that has not been ordered in a while. 03:13:39 <makfinsky> Linky? Or directions? 03:13:55 <Arsenick> I would like to get one Ambassador polos! but I'm a little bit confused on where I need to ask 03:14:08 <makfinsky> Ed Zachary. 03:14:31 <lcafiero> Want mine? :-) 03:15:00* lcafiero looks like a harpoon target in his polo 03:15:06 <Arsenick> lol 03:15:09 <StabbyMc> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_Ambassador_Gear 03:15:10 <crossbytes> wanted to know if we should set up a wiki or get a booth first for LFNW and what about OSCON ? 03:15:41 <lcafiero> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/PoloShirt 03:15:44 <makfinsky> Thx StabbyMc. 03:15:50 <StabbyMc> has anyone but me ordered a button down? 03:15:51 <lcafiero> Oh, right 03:16:00 <lcafiero> set up the wiki first, crossbytes 03:16:06 <jetrigger> I want a button down 03:16:09 <lcafiero> same with oscon 03:16:31 <Arsenick> StabbyMc, Thanks! I was looking there: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/PoloShirt and the link and the bottom seems FOSDEM related 03:16:40 <crossbytes> ok 03:16:57 <lcafiero> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/ButtonUp 03:17:03 <lcafiero> ^^cool shirt 03:17:14 <lcafiero> crossbytes, let's talk later about lfnw and oscon. 03:17:40 <jetrigger> yeah that one :) 03:17:40 <quaid> over in #fedora-ambassadors! 03:17:49 <lcafiero> of course, quaid 03:17:56 <quaid> how do I get that shirt in black? 03:17:58 <crossbytes> ok 03:18:04 <VileGent> anything else for the meeting tonight 03:18:30* ke4qqq shows up really late 03:18:31 <VileGent> closeing in 30 03:18:37 <inode0> before we lose him I'd like to thank VileGent for moderating tonight and keeping us moving 03:18:37 <lcafiero> StabbyMc, I'm going to order one on Friday 03:18:46 <lcafiero> If I don't crash into anything 03:19:14 <jetrigger> I am getting two pending funding. 03:19:21 <makfinsky> Indeed, thx VileGent. 03:19:35 <lcafiero> +1 VileGent 03:20:03 <VileGent> i have tried to keep us moving in one way or another and tried to keep up with the action items 03:20:16 <StabbyMc> thx VileGent 03:20:30 <Grantbow> thanks VileGent 03:20:32 <crossbytes> did a great job VileGent +1 03:21:02 <quaid> don't forget to close the meeting with the bot :) 03:21:52 <VileGent> closeing in 15 03:22:03 <spevack> thanks VileGent 03:22:05 <VileGent> 10 03:22:11 <VileGent> 5 03:22:29 <VileGent> #endmeeting
Ben Williams