On Mon, 2012-09-24 at 23:04 -0500, David A. Marlin wrote:
I have rebased a patch Dennis Gilmore submitted in August,
and made some minor modifications. This is just a 'draft' at this point, but I would appreciate any feedback on the approach (if acceptable) and suggestions for improvement. I understand that we will need to subclass Bootloader to add U-Boot support, but wanted to see if I was on the right track with the platform changes.
This looks pretty reasonable to me so far.
Also, I have been testing this using livemedia-creator in F17 (backported the changes). The storage definition in the kickstart file is:
bootloader --location=none zerombr clearpart --all part /boot/uboot --size 200 --fstype vfat --asprimary --label=boot part swap --size 500 --asprimary --label=swap part / --size 2000 --fstype ext4 --label=rootfs
This appears to do what we want for the OMAP disk image. Should I be doing anything else here to test the changes in platform (possibly using autopart)?
Passing asprimary for /boot/uboot is almost certainly enough to make it the first partition even without your other changes given that you aren't creating a separate /boot. You should verify that it ends up being the first partition without asprimary. Also, yes -- you should verify that autopart yields a bootable system. I suspect you'll end up with a /boot when you run autopart. If that's not desirable, you'll have to remove that from the return value of Platform.setDefaultPartitioning before returning from omapARM.setDefaultPartitioning.