There has been some confusion and misunderstanding around recently. This email will hopefully clear them up.
At the Tempe Fudcon, the Fedora Infrastructure team determined that we should retire our service. The reasons for this were:
* We currently have no infrastructure members who are driving support of this service. (Fixing bugs, following upstream or improving the service).
* Wordpress has a long history of security issues, requiring frequent, custom patches or updates to keep it secure.
* Many other sites out there are providing blog services as their core mission, likely resulting in a more feature-full and compelling offering. Some of these sites like are commited to free software, like Fedora is.
* Usage of the service was quite low. We have 92 blogs, but only 39 of them had more than 5 posts. Only 6 of them had posts in the last month, and only 23 had posts in 2011.
While we are open to interested parties stepping forward to help us maintain the service, currently there is no compelling reason to keep the service running.
We will be happy to help any user wishing to transition their blog to another service. We will provide web site redirects and dumps of their posts.
Please contact fedora infrastructure ( with further questions or concerns.