following my trial to install Fedora;
 I managed to install Fedora 19. I wiped the hard disk. probably that made the difference.
 However, my first issues with Fedora, are the following:
1- it sees my web cam as the scanner.
2- I have a monitor attached to my laptop, I like to have two screens. When I configure the two screens side by side, all good. However, I like to place the extra monitor on top of my laptop, this seems to be ok with fedora as the cursor jumps between screens easily, but if I try to drag a window to the top screen it stops at the edge of laptop screen and won't migrate to the other screen....
3- it found my wireless printer, but not working, shall I try to install the rpm driver.
any solutions?
thank you

Mohammad Hajarat
P.O.Box 789, Gosford, NSW 2250

Jul 2, 2013 07:43:16 PM, wrote:

Have you tried re-burning the iso image, I tried to install suse once using an image supplied on the APC computer magazine, it went badly and failed.
I found by simply reburning the iso again, I was able to successfully install and run with no problems.  (I also used this information at a job interview which helped me get the job).
I would encourage you to persevere with Fedora, I have been using it since version 5 and while there have been some difficulties over the years, I like it and especially like the people on the forum and community
around Fedora.
I think Fedora with vers 18 is showing some polish, and certainly the earlier development Alpha / Beta vers are much more reliable and professional looking. I see good times ahead for Fedora and its community.


On 3 July 2013 09:03, Marc Wiriadisastra <> wrote:
>Hi Mohammad,
> Quick question did you check the iso that it downloaded correctly?
> Fedora provides an SHA1SUM which you can check against the ISO it might
> be worth checking.
> Historically for me on my computer I find it easier to install Fedora
> than the other Ubuntu derived distros due to my Raid system which Fedora
> deals with.
> Cheers,
> Marc
> On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 23:38 +0000, Mohammad Hajarat wrote:
> > After trying Ubuntu based OS (Ubuntu, Zorin, and Mint), I wanted to try Fedora as it looked more professional. I downloaded the 64 bit version and wanted to install on my lap top (Acer Aspire, i7). I chose Start Fedora, the screen gave a  couple of lines, first one saying "invalid iomem size, you may face problems", then it started to install showing the fedora logo in the middle, and once that gets finished, it shows a cursor and it freezes, nothing happens beyond that. Any solutions out there please. Or shall I just forget about Fedora?
> >
> > thank you
> > Mohammad Hajarat
> > P.O.Box 789, Gosford, NSW 2250
> > Australia
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