La gente de PHP conference nos contesto y nos dijo que ya estamos sobre la fecha.. pero sino no habia drama..

la de mysqlnosqlcloud me pidio que me contacte,,, es el 13 y 14 de Noviembre, alguno puede estar algun rato, yo puedo ver de estar el viernes , alguno el jueves un rato ?? sino el viernes nos turnamos entre dos ??


pd: igual voy a ver que me contestan, pero ya para ir viendo..

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Matias Kreder <> wrote:

Maybe we can show the organizers of these events the interest that we have to have a stand there and how it would benefit both communities. Perhaps that way they invite us for free?  :P

El nov 4, 2014 6:11 PM, "rino" <> escribió:

Yes.. but i want only to be there, make networks.. show our Community and when see other event of Fedora they know who we are... at least :/ .. BUt in other hands maybe a lot of possible contributtor or fresh orphan project :)

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Leonardo Menezes Vaz <> wrote:
> 13 y 14 en buenos aireas..

Yeah, but keep in mind that's another event people need to pay to attend. :/


Leonardo Vaz
+55 11 96641 9412

“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
― Albert Einstein
argentina mailing list

Rondan Rino
Certificado en LPIC-2 
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Red Hat Certified Engineer -- RHCE -- RHCVA

Cv:  Linux User -> #517918
Viva La Santa Federacion!!
Mueran Los Salvages Unitarios!!
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argentina mailing list

argentina mailing list

Rondan Rino
Certificado en LPIC-2 
LPI ID:LPI000209832
Verification Code:gbblvwyfxu
Red Hat Certified Engineer -- RHCE -- RHCVA

Cv:  Linux User -> #517918
Viva La Santa Federacion!!
Mueran Los Salvages Unitarios!!
^^^Transcripcion de la epoca ^^^