Hello all,

I am trying to track down a problem with the frama-c package.  It runs normally on i386 and x86_64, but exits immediately with an unhandled exception on arm.  It is written in ocaml, which makes debugging difficult.  I tried running it under valgrind to see if I could get any clues, but valgrind says:

disInstr(arm): unhandled instruction: 0xEEBA5BEF
         cond=14(0xE) 27:20=235(0xEB) 4:4=0 3:0=15(0xF)
==23036== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x4f2d30.
==23036==    at 0x4F2D30: caml_adjust_gc_speed (in /home/jamesjer/rpmbuild/BUILD/frama-c-Fluorine-20130601/bin/toplevel.opt)

A gdb disassembly of the containing function shows that instruction as:

   0x004f2d30 <+128>:    vcvt.f64.s32    d5, d5, #1

Is that a legal instruction?  I'm wondering if I should file a bug against valgrind for not recognizing the instruction, or whether something in the toolchain is emitting an instruction that is not valid for all CPUs in the class Fedora supports.

Thank you for any help you can provide.
Jerry James